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Space Opera achievement in Starfield

Space Opera

Reach Level 50

Space Opera0
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How to unlock the Space Opera achievement

  • TheDonCJGTheDonCJG
    15 Sep 2023 15 Sep 2023 17 Sep 2023
    10 0 7
    Hitting level 50 will come with time but there’s a handful of ways to speed things up.

    Outpost XP boosting will be the fastest way to level up but for anyone avoiding that strategy here are some useful tips.

    Any comments with useful tips below I’ll try to add in going forward.

    XP Multipliers:

    - Sleeping in a bed for 1 hour = 10% XP boost (well rested bonus).
    - Sleeping in a bed for 1 hour with a romanced companion = 15% XP boost (emotional security bonus).

    Quest Completion:
    Sleeping in a bed to get your XP bonus before handing in a quest is easy XP.

    Planet Exploration:
    Going to higher level planets in the outer systems and killing high level wildlife can net you easy XP. Bringing a good weapon like The Mutineer (found in the basement of Vlad’s house) with you will help get easy kills regardless of enemy level.
    If you have a melee build this works too & will save you ammo costs.

    Setting up a Outpost supply chain can allow you to spam craft small items , this can allow you get easy XP as long as you have your outpost set up correctly for resources etc.
    ^There are plenty of videos on how to do this ^

    Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Papa HossAs long as you have your married partner following you, you should sleep in the same bed and get the bonus
    Posted by Papa Hoss on 31 Oct 23 at 21:34
    greenxbsarah is dead now in my game
    Posted by greenxb on 25 Nov 23 at 02:40
    Skanker irlRIP sarah
    Posted by Skanker irl on 28 Jun at 20:46
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  • Needy GameNeedy Game
    18 Oct 2023 28 Oct 2023 04 Nov 2023
    one reliable way to level up quickly is by farming XP which means doing an easy repetitive task to quickly level up, one such way is hunting animals for XP, and the best one to my knowledge is Strix I in the Strix System which is close to the right edge of the star map, its a habitable planet that is full of bio-life but most importantly it has a creature called Flocking Nautiloos Filterers and they are almost harmless and very very easy to kill and some have levels of 80 so they provide really good XP.
    location of the Strix System :

    to start head to Strix I planet and make sure to land on the biome "Craters", once landed the Flocking Nautiloos Filterers are very easy to find they are a floating balloon type creature and look like a floating jellyfish, they exist in flocks and if you shoot them they will sort of swarm towards you which actually makes them easier to shoot, they can harm you but they move extremely slowly, in about 15-30 mins i easily jumped from level 48 to level 50 and got this achievement, just make sure to sleep with a loved companion to have 15% percent XP boost before leaving your ship

    good hunting
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