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Prickly Protector achievement in Sonic Superstars

Prickly Protector

Used Trip's double jump to defeat 100 enemies.

Prickly Protector0

How to unlock the Prickly Protector achievement

  • Piyi PiyiPiyi Piyi
    26 Oct 2023 27 Oct 2023 09 Nov 2023
    EDIT: If you can't unlock the achievement playing on the main story, do as LeaoSomogyi says and try on Trip's story, playing the same level.


    This is easily done with the boss on Lagoon City Zone Act 1.

    This boss spawns pond skaters enemies, and if you hit the boss more than 2 times, it will stop spawning enemies.

    As Trip, tap cn_A for jump and push cn_A again (and hold) for the second jump (when she looks like a donut with spikes)

    Every time that you defeat an enemy, press and hold cn_A again for the second jump and hit the next enemy (as a donut)

    The achievement unlocks when you defeat the 100th enemy
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    FinalDragon92You sure that method works? I defeat 300 of these enemies but nothing happened
    Posted by FinalDragon92 on 29 Oct 23 at 13:25
    Piyi PiyiAt first, I just did the double jump just one time and after bouncing I assumed that the rest of the enemies counted for the achievement.

    But I felt that I defeated more than 100 and I didn't unlocked the achievement.

    So I thought that maybe if Trip wasn't in donut form (I don't have another way to explain it, it's when you can see the spikes) every defeated enemy didn't count.

    So even when it's slower, I prefer to defeat every pond skater enemy with double jump, and after the bounce, press A again (and hold) for Trip to use the "donut attack".
    Posted by Piyi Piyi on 29 Oct 23 at 15:57
    LeaoSomogyiFor those who lose their sanity's because the achievement won't unlock, I figure it out! I was playing the Main Story with Trip and played Lagoon City Act 1 for at least 10 times and nothing happened. I just change to Trip's Story and I got the achievement on the third wave of enemies. Not sure if it's changed on the latest patch, but this works for me!
    Posted by LeaoSomogyi on 09 Nov 23 at 17:44
    Piyi PiyiThanks LeaoSomogyi, I'll add your solution for the players who can't unlock it in the main story.

    It's weird that the achievement wasn't glitched at launch and after some update it is glitched now...
    Posted by Piyi Piyi on 09 Nov 23 at 19:55
    KJer25After finally popping this achievement I can confirm you have to do this in Trip’s Story now. I can also confirm it’s way more than 100. I believe it got changed to 1000 after the patch. Either way, just keep at it, and you’ll eventually get it.
    Posted by KJer25 on 08 Jun 24 at 18:04
    WesternDnessDid this in Trip's story. Didn't feel like it was anymore than 100 but I've no way to prove that
    Posted by WesternDness on 19 Nov 24 at 03:18
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