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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

MW3 - Perkaholic achievement in Call of Duty

MW3 - Perkaholic

Have 9 perks active at the same time in MWZ

MW3 - Perkaholic0
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How to unlock the MW3 - Perkaholic achievement

  • HoggyBear08HoggyBear08
    12 Nov 2023 12 Nov 2023 26 Feb 2024
    13 3 4
    You can obtain perk cans for your inventory. These can be exfilled as loot and taken into new games as well as crafted from schematics that you can extract from MWZ.

    I obtained one can of nine different perks and a character with a large bag (9 slots) and took 9 different perk colas into the game and drunk them all straight away. Whole game with all the perks, smashing.

    Update: Large bags can be purchased for 10k in red zone shop but I recommend looting lockers in the orange zone as I have quite good luck with those.

    Update 2: This one's for the newer players, those that don't know every time you complete a Act story mission in game your character will drop a random perk power up. Not essential to the achievement just a useful tip.

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    UBERS1LKROADThey are in loot boxes, crates, rewards etc
    Posted by UBERS1LKROAD on 20 Dec 23 at 16:04
    CriticalRespawnGreat solution! Managed to collect perks across several games and a large rucksack and then loaded into the game once I had everything!
    Posted by CriticalRespawn on 01 Jan at 03:43
    Venus271828There is a perk machine in tier 3 zone where you can buy all the perks for 2000 each. Go there and buy all the perks for the achievement.
    Posted by Venus271828 on 31 Jul at 19:06
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    10 Nov 2023 10 Nov 2023
    MW3 - Perkaholic
    Have 9 perks active at the same time in MWZ

    Mode MWZ (MW3 zombies)
    This achievement is relatively straight forward, simply start a game of MWZ and play till you have all 9 perks active at the same time. Now things get more complicated, you can get perks from many different ways including: Looting, story mission completion (1 random perk for the team per individual mission completion), contract completions and of curse perk vending machines. Thankfully you don't need to complete any EE or trust only the wunderfizz machines. I recommend you follow the video below for tons more information as this is more complex then what text allows. Hopefully you find the guide helpful.

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    kenjisugita7By completing contracts, you are gifted a PERK. Also, by buying a soda cans from the juggernog machine gifts your squad; one perk.
    Posted by kenjisugita7 on 17 Dec 23 at 09:46
    kenjisugita7It has to be done in one-round.


    Each perk is 2000 ZENNE

    So, it's roughly 18,000 ZENNE.

    2000 multiplied by 9 is 18,000.

    The locations of PERK/PERKS is spontaneous/various.

    Some are located in vending machines, and even supply boxes/supply crates.

    You need to have 9 perks running, at the same time, in one-round.
    Posted by kenjisugita7 on 17 Dec 23 at 09:47
    kenjisugita7If your character dies, or loses a life, or goes-down, the perk erases itself.
    Posted by kenjisugita7 on 18 Dec 23 at 16:54
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