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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

MW3 - Shot Blocked achievement in Call of Duty

MW3 - Shot Blocked

Shoot the gun out of the air in 'Flashpoint' before a terrorist catches it

MW3 - Shot Blocked0
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How to unlock the MW3 - Shot Blocked achievement

  • LordacrisLordacris
    03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023
    74 0 8
    Mission: Flashpoint

    About halfway through the mission you'll enter a VIP lounge with Price, here you'll find five paramedics, all of which are Makarov's men. Ignore the closest paramedic by the stretcher thats calling for assistance. Instead keep your eye on the paramedic in the back right, he'll slowly approach the counter, pickup an AK and throw it towards his colleague at the back door. Ensure you shoot this gun out of the air while it's in mid flight and if done correctly the achievement should pop.

    If you did miss the shot, quickly press cn_start and load previous checkpoint to have another go, before Price clears the room.

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    ABarbecuedgruntMake sure your on full auto :p
    Posted by ABarbecuedgrunt on 19 Feb at 18:01
    k carmZThank you, very helpful guide.
    Posted by k carmZ on 24 Sep at 08:52
    Posted by OBlockMafia on 26 Sep at 21:44
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  • Maka91Maka91
    03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023
    16 1 1
    Mission: Flashpoint

    Play through the mission until you head up a staircase and breach the VIP Lounge door. Inside you'll find terrorists disguised as paramedics. They'll ask you to help the civilian, but you want to ignore this command. Instead, wait for the enemy in the back right to walk towards the table where he'll pick up a gun and toss it across the room to another enemy. As this happens, shoot the gun out of the air! If not successful, immediately pause and load the last checkpoint as the AI will quickly kill the enemies forcing a new checkpoint quite quickly. Once you are successful, this should pop.
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    Posted by A4ndrea98 on 04 Nov 23 at 15:37
  • Lordmacca666Lordmacca666
    02 Nov 2023 02 Nov 2023 02 Nov 2023
    During the mission 'Flashpoint' you will head up some stairs from the main level to the vip area. As you enter the vip room there will be a couple of guys trying to help some wounded man. Choose not to help and keep an eye on the far right and far middle people. A gun will be tossed from right to left from behind a table. Your goal is to stand central and aim at the far door with a fully automatic weapon to shoot the gun as it is thrown. This could take a few times and you can reset the checkpoint to get an idea of where you need to be shooting.
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    Original Fear xIn order to get this to work for me I had to aim towards the door handle on the right as it wasn't giving me the achievement when I aimed near the left door handle, perhaps the gun was too close to him and failed to register that he wasn't catching it.
    Posted by Original Fear x on 03 Nov 23 at 03:28
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