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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

MW3 - Your Tax Dollars at Work achievement in Call of Duty

MW3 - Your Tax Dollars at Work

Use a missile to take out a single enemy in 'Danger Close'

MW3 - Your Tax Dollars at Work0
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How to unlock the MW3 - Your Tax Dollars at Work achievement

  • LordacrisLordacris
    03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023
    39 0 3
    Mission: Danger Close

    At the very start of the mission you'll be controlling an AC-130 gunship. Before the weapons on it are enabled you'll need to identify your friendlies in the bottom left by aiming at them with cn_LT. Once identified the weapons will come online, simply press cn_Y twice to switch to Missiles and cn_RT to fire one towards the ground. Aim the trajectory of the missile towards a single enemy and far enough away from anyone else that the slash damage only kills him. If you only manage to kill him the achievement will unlock.

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    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    DJB HustlinI feel like I am getting crazy but this is just not unlocking for me and I put my missles in the exact same spot as you probably 10 times

    Update: Tried again a couple hours later and it worked first try.
    Posted by DJB Hustlin on 05 Nov 23 at 08:42
    Posted by Interracial on 01 Jan at 21:15
    Posted by OBlockMafia on 26 Sep at 22:16
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  • Maka91Maka91
    03 Nov 2023 03 Nov 2023
    Mission: Danger Close
    At the very start of the mission, you'll take control of an AC-130 in order to support ground units. Once you gain control and locate your ground squad, you'll be able to switch you ammunition and you'll want to choose Missile. Then scan the battlefield for a single enemy that is standing alone and use the missile to attack them, making sure there are extra casualties from splash damage. If done correctly, this unlocks.
  • I am Zev HadarI am Zev Hadar
    06 Nov 2023 08 Nov 2023
    This is one of the easier achievements in Modern Warfare III as you load into the mission "Danger Close" and once you have access to the weapon select ability by pressing Y, choose the "Missile" and find an enemy that is standing by themselves and take them out with the missile.

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