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Pusher 3000 achievement in Tools Up! - Ultimate Edition

Pusher 3000

Push toxic ghost outside the level

Pusher 30000
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How to unlock the Pusher 3000 achievement

  • TuKraZeTuKraZe
    23 Mar 2024 23 Mar 2024
    This achievement can be a bit tricky and may require you to rotate the screen using the blue print located on the map and use cn_LB or cn_RB to rotate the camera accordingly.

    The best level for this would probably be level 35 of the ‘Garden Party’ levels. Locate and pick up the dog and keep walking in the general direction of the ghost, wherever it may be and try to force it off screen. If the achievement does not unlock, try rotating the camera using the blueprint as mentioned and try to force the ghost off the bottom side of the screen. This may take a few attempts, but persistence will pay off here.
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