18 12 0Actions To get all of the Tricky Trials achievemnts (4) as quickly as possible, I'd recommend joining a free achievement realm (this can be used to clean up any remaining achievements as well). Here are two codes to join a realm : Tnaxceegumupnfoctkanzg If they are both full then wait until they drop to 9 or less players or, wait until the next morning to join as this is when realms are less busy.Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.Leave a comment
10 4 4Actions You craft the Mace by combining the breeze rods (dropped by the Breeze mobs that spawn in the Trial Chambers) together with the heavy core (opening a trial vault by using the keys you get by exploring the Trial Chambers) in the crafting table.You now need to drop from a height over 10+ blocks and hit an enemy to do 50+ damage (You can help unlock it quicker by enchanting the mace to get Density 1 or above to do more damage).You'll unlock the achievement once you've done 50+ damage.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. just putting this here for clarification on the 10+ height. the mace damage calculator on the minecraft wiki says you need a height of 14 blocks to do 51 damage with no density enchanctment. drops to only 5 blocks if you can get density V.also, description does say 50 hearts of damage. which would imply its actually 100 damage by the wiki calc. and would require a 48 block drop with no density or a 14 block drop with density V.unfortunately i tested multiple heights and due to a very delayed pop cant confirm which is required.Posted by jassick on 16 Jun at 15:03 I found the hardest part was getting the crit. I don't know if it was just a huge skill fail for 3-4 hours, but I got it first try after taking off my wings. Density 1 on the mace, 50 blocks drop.Posted by kevthejedi on 21 Jun at 20:33 Mace doesn't work while wearing elytra, I believePosted by Scarovese#3367 on 12 Aug at 10:08
10 9 1Actions all minecraft achievements in one world download in the descriptioni used the warden for this and build up 50 blocksShowing only comment. How to download the world on console?Posted by swillis93 on 20 Jun at 09:16