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Tight schedule achievement in Ticket to Ride

Tight schedule

Complete your last ticket on your final turn

Tight schedule-2.0
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How to unlock the Tight schedule achievement

  • NEOGZA 4everNEOGZA 4ever
    16 Sep 2024 16 Sep 2024
    Hi everyone.

    For this one, it s best to set up a local game with only one opponent.

    Beware, in order to get the chievo you definitely need to claim all the tickets route you have in hands.
    Second thing, in order to rise the odds of success, try to get a route with 5-6 train tickets of a color that fits one of your tickets.
    That s the one you ll claim on your final turn.
    You may combine this chievo with the #no loco chievo.
    Then just take the cards you need and claim your routes to finish all the tickets but one.
    Keep an eye on the train left in your opponent's hand.
    When you are ready to finish, just pick trains while waiting the opponent to have 2 or less trains in hand, triggering your last turn.
    Place your 5-6 last train cards and win the game.
    You may want as well to have the longest route to rise your winning odds.

    Good luck, Peace 👍
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