5 3 2Actions 🟣 For those wondering what the top rank is...... it's 25, and that will take a lot of play/grinding to do.But you will.Stick with your favourite class and grind out with tenacity. Courage and HonourShowing both comments. Leave a comment. You can just play minimal difficulty on operations and it is much easier but if u have friends u can do high difficultyPosted by GunsReloaded on 20 Sep at 19:21 You do need to do at least one, probably two, runs each on Substantial and Ruthless to get the Armoury Data (depends on if there's a miniboss and you find the servoskull w/data) to unlock the higher levels of a Ranged and Melee weapon, but ya, you can run on Minimal a bunch. A Ruthless run is equivalent to about 3 Minimal runs in terms of exp.Posted by Rhyolitic on 22 Sep at 17:43 Leave a comment