10 1 10Actions Can be done in the Bulwark trials, there are 3 weapons (chainsword, fist and powersword) and each trial contains one of above weapons. So just rince and repeat each trial untill you get 33/34 kills untill it unlocks.Showing all 10 comments. Leave a comment. Mine stopped at 99% have killed at least 300 of each enemy per weapon. If this happens to anyone else and you figure out a way to force it to pop shoot me a message please. I did the usual console hard restart by unplugging etc.Posted by Thanagar on 07 Sep at 23:06 try both variations of the power sword, hold RB to power it up.Posted by SHIN GRIMM on 08 Sep at 16:02 @Holbath This guide has some wrong info if you wanted to correct it to stop downvotes. Bulwark is the class not where you do trials. You can get weapon kills in the trial at the Armouring Hall where you pick your class/weapons to be more specific. Also the Bulwark has no access to the hammer and uses the Chainsword, Powerfist and Powersword.Posted by Thanagar on 08 Sep at 21:15 Didn't double check before posting but updated it to be more accuratePosted by Holbath on 09 Sep at 00:32 I am at probably 1k enemies with each melee weapon still no achievement :(Posted by Thanagar on 12 Sep at 04:22 I had the same problem. Did the trails like suggested. nothing happened. Reset the game afterwards and the achievement popped. Not sure if will work for everyone but it worked for me.Posted by XxEBENxX on 13 Sep at 17:49 I have tried an uninstall, resetting, unplugging from wall for 15 minutes nothing is making this and tactical pop.Posted by Thanagar on 14 Sep at 01:18 somehow worked for me. i saw i was at 99 percent for most of the entire trial. quit to main menu and went back into the trial and it popped. kind of weirdPosted by KrabLewis on 14 Sep at 16:44 L Perfect solution, thank you very much, the hammer is not needed, only the test weapons.Posted by IFreneticBot on 23 Sep at 17:34 How is everyone unlocking this??Posted by ShaplessGerm on 26 Sep at 11:10 Leave a comment