19 2 0Actions You will run in to Scarab Occult Terminator's for the first time in Mission 6 - Dawn’s Descent.3 of them will be on an elevator in the mines.To unlock Know No Fear parry blue attack and immedietly press block again to parry second attack.Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.Leave a comment
11 4 1Actions This is going to be easier in Operations, because you can create a custom Marine tailored specifically to this achievement.Melee weapons that have their Defence type listed as "Fencing" have the largest Perfect Parry window. The Vanguard class also gets a perk at level 3 called "Duelist" that further increases your Perfect Parry window by an additional 50% on top of the Fencing weapon. So, pick either a Fencing Chainsword or Combat Knife, whichever you prefer, equip the Duelist perk, and start up Operation 3, 4 or 5, whichever you prefer, as these are the maps that can spawn Chaos enemies. Then it's as simple as finding a Terminator, get in close to tempt him into going for his melee lunge, then parry his attacks. My reaction time for parrying isn't the best, but I managed to get this on my first try, so if I can do it, anyone can.Showing only comment. This worked for me, the campaign solution I can't get the parrys correct. Vanguard, parry perk, max chainsword mission 5 terminator with a power sword.was easy to get.Posted by Desperado Shade on 09 Oct at 14:04
6 4 0Actions Ok so what you are going to want to do is go to the final mission for the campaign and you are going to go a bit deep into it and you will finally get to this big elevator thingy fight off some people around and then 3 people will come up an elevator. Two people with Knives and one with a gun knife, YOU HAVE TO PARRY 2 ATTACKS FROM THE GUYS THATS ARE CALLED THE TERMINATORS WITH SWORDS, not the ones that have like a big machine gun and a sword. Has to be the terminator with a pistol and a sword and trust me you will know who they are bc they are annoying.