158 4 17Actions This is gained on the 3rd level The Spiders Tomb.Here's a link to a screen shot with the route drawn out, its pretty straight forward. and now theres a video too.Credit to arenafighter on 360a for the pic & Achievaholics on You Tube.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. Not sure if anyone else is having issues.... My husband and I were playing co-op (local) and he ran through exactly as indicated above but the achievement only popped for me. He's been back through several times and it still won't give it to him. :(Posted by CierraChay1992 on 21 Jan 14 at 08:11 @CierraChay1992 I got a similar issue yesterday. Furthermore, one of the spike was already popped up... To reset the schema I've gone back upstairs and then come down again, so the schema was fine.After that: I followed the path and the achievement didn't popped up. I've tried a second time and I got it... My suggestion is to pay attention at the end of the 4th line: in fact you have to run diagonally, and it's here I've missed one spike...Let me know...Posted by zeno2k on 21 Jan 14 at 09:03 Ive done this at least 12 times now...not popping...any ideas?Posted by Darthmushu on 21 Jan 14 at 23:32 @zeno2k I finally got it after bit more, I believe it's a bit buggy much like some of the game so far, since it popped for CierraChay1992 when I did it but not for me. I tried it on multiplayer and single player until finally getting it on single player.@Darthmushu All I can say is keep trying it, and try to follow the path like almost perfectly, I'm not sure if speed has anything to do with it or not, I hope it pops for you though. It's annoying doing it right way or knowing what needs be done and not popping for you, best of luck.Posted by unknownone84 on 22 Jan 14 at 18:43 Even with my personal lack of coordination, the picture worked great. I didn't need to watch the video. Thumbs up!Posted by Tulukaruq907 on 25 Jan 14 at 13:51 I just did this with a friend in co-op and we both got it. Makes it a lot easier with two people since we could just do half-half. Thankfully no glitches for us Posted by Philmnator on 02 Feb 14 at 08:37 pic is downPosted by ov Azazel on 23 Feb 14 at 02:27 Was attempting this in co-op with my gf,it popped for her not me.Took another 30 or so attempts in co-op and single player until it finally popped,definitely buggy!Posted by cowboykiller360 on 23 Feb 15 at 01:12 Was buggy for me too. I kept trying and trying, then gave dashboarding a try. Loaded back into where I was with the continue option and it popped first try after that! So, someone can try that if this bugs out for them.Posted by MxSvnty4 on 06 Oct 16 at 00:25 This game has a dead zone on both analog sticks around the 7 o' clock position. It's hurting me enough in the regular gameplay but it's making this achievement impossible for me. I've tried all four of my controllers and they all have this problem so it is not my controller.Posted by Mister Buds on 23 May 21 at 01:39 Leave a comment