(Story related achievement)
!Can be missed, read below!This achievement is unlocked upon completing the level called
'The Jaws of Death'. This is not hard, just keep your distance from the beast and use the pressure button + lever next to the exit to crush it.
NOTE (Co-op): If you're playing this level in co-op, only the player who exits the door at the end, gets the achievement. So just replay the level and be the one who exits if you didn't get it the first time. Thanks to the guys in the comments for confirming this.
NOTE (Singleplayer): If this does not unlock for you in singleplayer, it may be because you're constantly rolling. It seems that you may actually be going too fast for the trap at the end to trigger properly, so either slow down, or avoid rolling altogether, and see if that works.
Thanks to
https://www.trueachievements.com/Raezie.htm for bringing this up.
(I apologize to those who ended up following my advice stating that you 'just' needed to keep replaying the level if you didn't get the achievement. I thought that was the case for a while. I would've downvoted this solution if I got mislead like that too).