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Action Hero achievement in Bejeweled Live (WP)

Action Hero

Score more than 500,000 points in a single Action mode level.

Action Hero0

How to unlock the Action Hero achievement

  • FireRaiser1985FireRaiser1985
    21 Jul 2012 21 Jul 2012 22 Jul 2012
    13 0 2
    I managed to do this on the fourth level in Action Mode.

    Just let the time bar go down a bit and then keep doing matches and score points, making the bar go up - but be careful, if the time bar goes all the way up, you will continue to the next level.

    When you are sure that you have scored more than 500,000 points in the current level, just fill the bar to continue.

    You MUST complete the level to gain the achievement. I became a bit confused about this achievement when I didn't get it in level eight or so with a score of ~700,000 in that level. The problem was that i didn't COMPLETE the level.

    Negative vote? Let me know why.
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    FreshAspekIs this glitched? I swear I've done this multiple times and still no unlock :/
    Posted by FreshAspek on 20 Jan 13 at 22:28
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