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7th Heaven achievement in Bejeweled Live (WP)

7th Heaven

Complete level 7 in Action mode.

7th Heaven0

How to unlock the 7th Heaven achievement

  • i am dabei am dabe
    13 Feb 2011 14 Feb 2011
    Right I'm reluctant to post this as I know the TA Ratio will drop once others find out this little 'cheat' however for the greater good I'm posting it anyway!

    To get to level 7 in action mode you need to take advantage of the fact that time bar doesn't diminish whilst the gems are in motion/animating. Use this to your advantage to constantly change gems (regardless if they match or not) so that they're always moving, you can then look around the board for gems that do match.

    I was able to get to level 9 and some ridiculous score.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    G4M3R 1972thanks, worked great
    Posted by G4M3R 1972 on 03 Jul 11 at 18:48
    p1zZaBiTThanks, it helped a lot!!.

    @ Tardii, yes if we can't complete level 7 legit, it would be hard to get blazing speed twice but then we are talking specifically on this achievement and his tip helped a lot to clear this off.
    Posted by p1zZaBiT on 15 Jul 11 at 08:32
    Crimson RidleyThis doesn't seem to work, unless I'm doing it wrong. I'll be looking around the board and while I'm searching for a combo, I'll tap a gem and move it constantly. Is that right? For example; if there is a blue next to a red, I'd move the blue to the red's spot, which would count as a miss and automatically move the blue back to its original spot. I'd then move the blue again, and repeat. Is that what you mean?

    When I do that, my time bar diminishes much faster and I fail a lot quicker, which is the exact opposite of what you have stated.
    Posted by Crimson Ridley on 03 Aug 11 at 10:10
    Banco BillyWorked a treat, thanks for sharing!!
    Posted by Banco Billy on 22 Aug 11 at 09:30
    gammatron9000amazing find! thank you!!!
    Posted by gammatron9000 on 15 Sep 11 at 17:06
    Chino SkeletonI think what you called animation or motion is what the game refers as CASCADE, if you do that, do more combinations during the CASCADE animation instead of just watching, your bar will increase and it is highly posible to obtain Blazing Speed as wel.

    I got 2.7 million at level 9
    Posted by Chino Skeleton on 26 Sep 11 at 22:35
    TheDapperBanditBrilliant, thanks!
    Posted by TheDapperBandit on 29 Jun 12 at 09:18
    Bistricthanks for the tip. I got this achievement in about 10 minutes by just sliding my finger over the screen, without actually looking. Change directions once in a while, and the gems match themselves.
    Posted by Bistric on 09 Jul 12 at 09:20
    Gamer In DenialPause game, shoot video with another phone or camera, press play then pause really fast, watch video and pause it at the exact time sceen is showing, find matches starting at top and going to bottom, then have one finger on play and the other on the move your about to make, hit play, make move, pause. Rinse and repeat.
    Posted by Gamer In Denial on 18 Nov 12 at 17:11
    LAFTA^ lol
    Posted by LAFTA on 12 Mar 13 at 17:40
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