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Supernova achievement in Bejeweled Live (WP)


Activate 4 Star Gems in a single move.


How to unlock the Supernova achievement

  • daktoordaktoor
    10 Mar 2011 10 Mar 2011
    11 1 3
    This can be a little tricky, but definitely easier than the Singularity achievement.

    Involves a bit of planning and a bit of luck. Basically the best way to do this is when you make star gems (the ones that cause lightning go vertical and horizontal), dont blow them straight away... Save as many as you can as they carry over to the next level anyway.

    Once you have at least 4, the tricky part is also having them on either the same vertical or horizontal row with one another. Blow any of the star gems to set off a chain reaction with the rest of them, and the achievement is yours.

    Once again, a bit of luck is definitely involved... So GOOD LUCK!
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    Crimson RidleyI'm going to guess that Endless mode is the best for this achievement? Unless, they only carry over on Classic and Action?

    I can consistently make 3, but when I go for the 4th I always end up losing one.
    Posted by Crimson Ridley on 16 Aug 11 at 08:15
    Crimson RidleyFinally got it. :) It took me all the way until Level 21 in Endless mode to finally get the placements right. I managed to get 4 star gems twice, but always ended up with one left over.
    Posted by Crimson Ridley on 16 Aug 11 at 23:35
    Nurse Loraxthe only way to make a star gem is where there's like 2 vertical and 2 horizontal and you move another in to make a 3 and 3 chain right? those are pain in the ass and ive already got the singularity achievement lol
    Posted by Nurse Lorax on 15 Nov 14 at 14:31
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