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Building the Empire achievement in MONOPOLY Streets

Building the Empire

Won 10 offline games

Building the Empire0

How to unlock the Building the Empire achievement

  • CanadabugCanadabug
    14 Nov 2010 14 Nov 2010
    39 5 2
    Very easy to do with a second controller. On the game start screen hit "X" to join game with the second controller and then hit "A" to ready up. Start the game and play until the second controller has its first turn and then select "Declare Bankrupcy" from the menu that pops up to end controller 2's turn. This declares you (controller 1) the winner. Repeat 9 more times.
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    presumably I need a two-player game for this. How do I get a 2-player game?
    Posted on 29 Jul 11 at 14:11
    CanadabugClick on "Play Monopoly Streets" on main menu. Click on "Monopoly City" or whichever board you want to play. Click on "Official MONOPOLY" for rules. Leave the next screen as it is, just press "A" button. On the next screen press "X" button on second controller to join game and then press "A" button on both controllers to start game. After controller 2 has its turn a menu will pop up with the option to "Declare Bankruptcy" Click on that option to end the game. Repeat 9 more times,
    Posted by Canadabug on 06 Aug 11 at 16:49
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