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Eviction Notice achievement in MONOPOLY Streets

Eviction Notice

Replaced your houses with a hotel

Eviction Notice0

How to unlock the Eviction Notice achievement

  • StevannoStevanno
    24 Jan 2011 25 Jan 2011
    Pretty basic really for this one, just get hotels on your properties for this one.

    You must have both (brown/dark blue) or all three (3) (every other colour on board) for a monopoly before being able to get houses.

    Price for houses is such:
    Brown/Light Blue: $50 each
    Pink/Orange: $100 each
    Red/Yellow: $150
    Green/Dark Blue: $200

    The cheapest hotel will cost $450 on the brown properties (under Official Monopoly Rules of equal building), you don't need to build each property of colour into a hotel, just one.
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