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Ultimate Duelist achievement in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Decade Duels Plus

Ultimate Duelist

200 wins in any mode

Ultimate Duelist0

How to unlock the Ultimate Duelist achievement

  • PerdiptPerdipt
    20 Dec 2010 23 Dec 2010
    12 0 7
    Tag Duel wins and Single Mode wins BOTH count towards this achievement. Every single duel you win counts towards this achievement. I will explain the fastest method for boosting this achievement:

    First, you should create a Player Match with the settings: Game Format: Single, Amount of Time: 30 seconds. The rest of the options don't matter. Once you create the match, invite your boosting partner. Now, start the game. The person who will be losing the duel should choose Paper and the person who will be winning the duel should choose Rock in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Now, the losing player should just wait out their turn until time runs out. The other player will get the win. I suggest doing this in intervals on 10 because it seems to go by faster.
    Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment.
    Weasel Pizzayour wins in the knockout tournament also count for this. that is when i unlocked this achievement
    Posted by Weasel Pizza on 28 Feb 11 at 06:20
    joe jirachi fanOkay, I completely get this achievement, but what I don't get is how I have both 100 Single wins and 100 Tag wins, yet I don't have 200 overall wins...
    Posted by joe jirachi fan on 02 May 11 at 23:28
    xSergicalxthis would go alot quicker if there was a rematch selection when dueling with a friend. does anyone have a solution on this?
    Posted by xSergicalx on 21 May 11 at 16:10
    brandysnappsi have the achievements for winning 100 single player matches and 100 tag duel matches but no achievement. Does anyone know what has happened here?
    Posted by brandysnapps on 04 Jun 11 at 13:52
    VegaDark541To the two people above, the achievement for 100 "single" wins is not single player wins, but single MATCH wins. Thus each time you play a tag duel that is a single game instead of a match (ie best of 3) you will get 1 win towards your tag duel achievement and 1 win towards your 100 single wins achievement. I unlocked both the 100 single and 100 tag achievements at the same time due to this, and I have 100 more matches before the 200 wins achievement will pop.
    Posted by VegaDark541 on 27 Aug 11 at 15:52
    MidnitePizzamonCan I get this without playing online? Can I get this playing the single player?
    Posted by MidnitePizzamon on 25 Apr 20 at 16:18
    ThundersstruckI can confirm that you can get this achievement playing single player. I did a little over 100 tag duel wins and then grinded out the remaining 100 or so using only single player games vs the 3 starting enemies in the preliminary duel.
    Posted by Thundersstruck on 13 May 21 at 21:37
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