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Share and Share Alike achievement in Create

Share and Share Alike

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How to unlock the Share and Share Alike achievement

  • XantiriadXantiriad
    12 Feb 2011 12 Feb 2011 12 Feb 2011
    24 0 1
    The solution start is the same as Radical Remix:
    1. Press Y to bring up the Menu and then RB to access the online features.
    2. Now select My Gallery.
    3. Use the RB/LB buttons to find the EA Picks.
    4. Choose a level that has the tree icon in the top left corner.
    5. Press A and A again to view it.
    6. Once the user created level has loaded click on Y and select Save Locally & Remix (bottom right icon)
    7. Give it a name and save it.
    8. Press Y again and customise the level in some way. Add a sticker or objects.
    9. Once changed, press Y and select Save Creation
    10. Save it in your EA gallery and the achievement should unlock.
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    The YiddlerWorked a charm, had trouble getting it before.
    Posted by The Yiddler on 17 Feb 11 at 21:56
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