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Collector achievement in Faery: Legends of Avalon


Collect 60 items of equipment.


How to unlock the Collector achievement

  • ponypo2001ponypo2001
    11 Nov 2010 11 Nov 2010
    28 0 2
    As you go through the game, make sure to search for treasure chest as these almost always contain armour pieces. Most of the quests you complete will reward you with equipment to use also. However, to get the most equipment pieces, make sure you talk to everyone in an area after you finish the main storyline there. Most people will thank you for helping and gift you with another equipment piece.

    There are over 80 pieces in the game total so there's plenty of room for error.
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    bonster20Going back to talk to people after you've saved the world is key, if you want to get this early (or are waiting for a particular piece of equipment to complete a set, which doubles that type of equipment's effect). I didn't go back and didn't get the achievement until the very, very end of the game.
    Posted by bonster20 on 01 Dec 10 at 23:30
    FailedSeppukui found this guide which helped me complete my Enhanced Electricity set
    Posted by FailedSeppuku on 26 May 14 at 01:34
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