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Smelly Jelly achievement in ilomilo

Smelly Jelly

Get to chapter 4

Smelly Jelly0
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How to unlock the Smelly Jelly achievement

  • GammyGreenGiantGammyGreenGiant
    24 Dec 2010 06 Jan 2011 09 Jan 2012
    34 4 4
    ****The 6 Negative vote people I'm now begging you to tell me why this is not worthy of a positive vote. Pretty please tell me why?!?!***

    lomilo consists of 4 chapters each containing 9 levels and 3 bonus levels.
    The aim of the game is to reunite ilo and milo.
    There are 4 collectables in the game- safkas (little creatures that follow you when found), memory pieces, photos and records.

    To proceed to the next chapter you are required to complete 6 levels by reuniting ilo and milo. you do not need to pick up any collectables to gain access to the next chapter, do this until you've completed 6 levels in chapter 3 (18 levels) then press the arrow to proceed to chapter 4. achievement pops

    **EDIT 05/12/2011- I am adding videos to this guide in response to a lot of negative voting, hoping that this is the reason why. If you have voted negatively and you still fell I don't deserve a thumbs up please leave a comment or PM me.

    The following videos are the first 6 levels in chapter 3, the minimum amount needed to proceed to chapter 4.

    I didn't record these videos myself, they are from the guys over at Mahalo and if you do find them helpful please give them a thumbs up on youtube.
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    GammyGreenGiantany reason for the negative vote?
    Posted by GammyGreenGiant on 10 Jan 11 at 08:03
    YoshiMiyamotoI didn't neg vote this, but I would guess somebody did because it really isn't that specific a solution. "Complete 6 levels" isn't really that helpful in solving the Chapter 3 puzzles required to get to Level 4. Try posting some youtube links or some other solutions to the actual levels.
    Posted by YoshiMiyamoto on 11 Feb 11 at 08:32
    III Torpedo IIIthe achievement is "Get to chapter 4" and not "solving all puzzles in chapter 3" :) you get this achievement simply by completing six levels and jump on the map to chapter 4. So no negative vote from me :) It is still easy to find the remaining three levels on youtube:
    Posted by III Torpedo III on 24 May 18 at 20:14
    LSK ArcAzielThanks for the video guides!
    Posted by LSK ArcAziel on 11 Apr at 06:13
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