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Win achievement in Sonic The Hedgehog 2


Beat the game.

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How to unlock the Win achievement

  • x2ix2i
    27 May 2008 09 Sep 2008
    20 0 4
    Take your time, make use of the save feature in case you get stuck and find yourself dying a lot.

    Collect as many extra lives as you can, collecting 100 rings will award you with one as will getting 10,000 points.

    Make sure you always have at least one ring present as this will stop you from dying in most cases.

    You need not collect the Chaos Emeralds, however doing so might give you an easier time throughout the rest of the levels.

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    x2iAll I can say is take your time, make use of all three save slots if you can, save in a new slot after every hit you successfully score and land safely without being in danger. Of course, this is the cheat way to do it, otherwise just save it at the beginning of the Death Egg and practice until you can do it. But remember take your time, try not to get greedy with the hits, one hit where you can return to safety will suffice and you will eventually beat him and the game.
    Posted by x2i on 22 Jun 10 at 02:30
    Monkey540What makes this hard is that you don't have any coins and can't take a single hit.
    On the robo sonic, take one to two hits on him when he is stopped, directly from the front, if you hit his head on top u get hurt, learn the patterns, he takes 6 hits. The easy way I've found for Robotnik's Robot, to be conservative, stay in one corner while he moves around, and hold a spin dash, when his target locks on, let go to go to the other side. wait there, the first time he'll shoot his hands at you but you are two far away. Repeat this, this time he will walk, for a bit then step back, when he stops completely to blast off, jump up above his hands and get one hit in on him. You need 12 hits to kill him. Of course if you feel you can get more hits in between you can try, but I hit his hands more often when I try that, and die.

    Good Luck.
    Posted by Monkey540 on 08 Jul 10 at 15:34
    KillrNutI have more trouble with robo sonic than i do with Robotnic. I'll have to watch a video and memorize the pattern.
    Posted by KillrNut on 16 Feb 12 at 18:16
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  • Krows GraveyardKrows Graveyard
    10 Sep 2009 20 Oct 2011 25 Dec 2012
    Win - 35G (Original Achievement)

    Difficulty: 5/10

    The key to doing this easily, is to make a "save" at the beginning of every zone or act. If you think you did terrible by losing too many lives and could do better, then reload your save and try again.

    In dealing with the Final Bosses, start off by making a "save state" so you can do this non stop until you win. 1st Phase: This fight is against what appears to be Metal Sonic, as he is dropping in, if you're fast enough you can get under him and just in front of his feet and spin dash to hit him 4 free times before getting away from him. Be ready to jump over his dash attack and avoid the spines on his back. 2-3 more hits on him should finish him easily. SAVE. 2nd Phase: Robotnik gets into a giant robot of himself. Watch his hands one wrong move and you die, wait until they are back enough and attack his stomach. After a bit he'll blast off and try landing on you. Get on the right side of the screen and wait until the target locks onto you before running left to dodge. If you're fast you can land a free hit as he lands. Around now you should run all the way to the left side of the screen to dodge his rocket punches (2 of them). That is all that you need to know, just repeat until you down him.
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