
Start Current Period
Gamer TA Difference TA Difference TA Difference
playerforty4 playerforty4 15,449 409,022 15,519 409,778 70 756
KinectKid333 KinectKid333 7,693 286,877 7,732 288,570 39 1,693
LagDotCom LagDotCom 6,580 158,239 6,614 158,249 34 10
Bonuses Value
Not Again! - End the scoring period with Gamerscore & Achievement earned totals that are not divisible by 5 Not Again! used by KinectKid333 2,000
Eliminated in 26th position, 433 TA Difference below safety 143 4,458
Best Achievements This Period TA Difference
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Wright WrightCollect 50 Tris In-Air in 1 Run 514
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Yeager YeagerFinish 6 "Perfect Regions" in 1 Run 366
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Eagle EagleReach Level 25 181
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Knight KnightScore 1 Million Points in 1 Run 141
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Montgolfier MontgolfierCollect 25 Tris In-Air in 1 Run 137
KinectKid333 Race The Sun Falcon FalconReach Level 20 125
playerforty4 Train Sim World 2020 TSW: Centurion TSW: CenturionTravelled 100 miles in any locomotive 120
playerforty4 Train Sim World 2020 GWE: Qualified Driver GWE: Qualified DriverSuccessfully completed all tutorials 102
playerforty4 Train Sim World 2020 GWE: Pushing the Limits GWE: Pushing the LimitsReached a speed of 75MPH in the Class 66 87
LagDotCom Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows) Go for the Silver Go for the SilverWon 10 silver Daily Challenge badges. 79
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