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Xbox 360 Spring Sale Roundup

  • WebChimp UKWebChimp UK661,082
  • OlivierL57OlivierL57958,833
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 09:30, Edited on 27 March 18 at 09:31 by OlivierL57
    It says "until 2nd April 2018" on my 360.
  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 09:32
    Nice sale, some of the games are new low prices I think (like the Resident Evil remasters).
  • Yummy BaklavaYummy Baklava1,132,899
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 09:42
    Decent list of games, with some decent prices. I might buy Bully: SE and play it in a year or so.

    Splinter Cell: Conviction just under $5 is a steal! And it's backward compatible. =D
  • WebChimp UKWebChimp UK661,082
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 10:10
    Mannschaft570 said:
    It says "until 2nd April 2018" on my 360.
    The regular weekly sales are valid through April 2nd, but Microsoft said that anything in the Spring Sale is valid through the 9th April.
  • MugenKairoMugenKairo351,351
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 11:21
    Decent list of 360 games, but I’m sure I’ve got what I need already.
    'Life begins beyond the edge of your comfort zone'
  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 11:36
    I’m picking up all 3 Fables and Enslaved finally. Just wish Enslaved was backwards compatible.
  • ItsRoflzItsRoflz743,506
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 13:17
    Can we just see the DLC for Borderlands TPS go on sale. I've waited a couple years and still nothing, yet the dlc for the first two games are on sale every few months
  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 13:31, Edited on 27 March 18 at 13:32 by JeDiMlnDTrlcks
    Grabed Diablo ROS, nothing else peaks my interest.
  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 13:35
    Saints Row 2 and Torchlight for me.
  • Boss ComplexBoss Complex1,209,039
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 14:53
    sam and max NEVER goes on sale. anyone interested should definitely grab them for $1.99 each.

    before telltale forgets them again.
  • iTz Canada EhhiTz Canada Ehh1,400,113
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 14:55, Edited on 27 March 18 at 15:21 by iTz Canada Ehh
    Mirror's Edge for $1.50? Might need to get it at that price, hard to say no.
  • adamrulzadamrulz416,142
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:04
    If you haven’t played Jurassic Park the game, now is the time... usually $20+ and the physical copy goes for more than that... this is what got me into the telltale games... check it out, if you like other Telltale games for sure.
  • GuidalityGuidality979,754
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:06
    All I'm really missing is a lot of miscellaneous DLC. Severed, Waste of Space, Tomb Raider Underworld DLC, etc. I appreciate the number of 360 games included but come on man!
  • GuidalityGuidality979,754
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:07
    adamrulz said:
    If you haven’t played Jurassic Park the game, now is the time... usually $20+ and the physical copy goes for more than that... this is what got me into the telltale games... check it out, if you like other Telltale games for sure.
    Personally I thought Jurassic Park was the worst Telltale game I've played to date.
  • iTz Canada EhhiTz Canada Ehh1,400,113
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:09
    Guidality said:
    adamrulz said:
    If you haven’t played Jurassic Park the game, now is the time... usually $20+ and the physical copy goes for more than that... this is what got me into the telltale games... check it out, if you like other Telltale games for sure.
    Personally I thought Jurassic Park was the worst Telltale game I've played to date.
    I will back this up. I bought it because people were hyping it up, but when I played it it was awful. If you're used to the newer Telltale games you may not like it.
  • HawkeyeBarry20HawkeyeBarry201,101,913
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:25
    Guidality said:
    adamrulz said:
    If you haven’t played Jurassic Park the game, now is the time... usually $20+ and the physical copy goes for more than that... this is what got me into the telltale games... check it out, if you like other Telltale games for sure.
    Personally I thought Jurassic Park was the worst Telltale game I've played to date.
    Have you played the Sam and Max game? Those two make Jurassic Park look like the greatest game of all time.
  • adamrulzadamrulz416,142
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:26
    Interesting... maybe it was because it was my introduction to the play style... I thought it was interesting because they had added to the original story and had a few different stories that I thought were well done. It has been years since I played it as well, so maybe I’m not remembering it well. Oh well, everyone has an opinion. Hope I don’t mislead anyone.
  • ShinnizleShinnizle2,355,112
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 15:33
    iTz Canada Ehh said:
    I will back this up. I bought it because people were hyping it up, but when I played it it was awful. If you're used to the newer Telltale games you may not like it.
    It's a lot more action-oriented at least laugh
    Broke is a state of wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.
  • OneChicago51OneChicago511,089,513
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 16:27
    I was going to buy Jurassic park since my console is set to USA and I have $18USD to use and it still says this offer is not valid in my region. Fuck
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