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Xbox 360 Spring Sale Roundup

  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 16:31
    Armstrong x360a said:
    Saints Row 2 and Torchlight for me.
    I really enjoyed Torchlight. Fun little dungeon crawler. Hope you like it.
  • Posted on 27 March 18 at 17:18
    Ubisoft skips Assassin's Creed 2 again..shocking..
  • TwistedTBTwistedTB1,504,604
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 18:04
    I believe that is the first time Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil Remake have been under $5. Too bad Capcom wants to sell you the same games over and over and won't give these ones BC. Resident Evil has such a fanbase I'm sure there are still people that would buy both versions.
    Warmest regards, TwistedTB.
  • D JASSO00D JASSO00294,564
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 19:39
    In the store of shows Tomb Raider Anniversary, Far Cry Classic and Metal Gear HD Collection as part of backward compatibility program, but as far as I know , these titles has not announced yet (sorry for y bad english)
  • Mental Knight 5Mental Knight 54,611,592
    Posted on 27 March 18 at 21:54
    So Telltale Minecraft Season 2 full game is $22.50 instead of $25.00 -- ACT NOW!!! rollangryangryfacepalmcry ... really wanted this too. As if the first episode not being free like the others wasn't a big enough slap in the face...
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead826,698
  • Posted on 28 March 18 at 00:10, Edited on 28 March 18 at 00:10 by FullNietzsche
    TwistedTB said:
    I believe that is the first time Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil Remake have been under $5. Too bad Capcom wants to sell you the same games over and over and won't give these ones BC. Resident Evil has such a fanbase I'm sure there are still people that would buy both versions.
    I have them both on PC and have only played each for a few hours. I'm considering buying them on 360 which obviously doesn't make much sense on paper as the PC versions are better (1080p and 60fps)... but the 360 versions have Xbox achievements and I can read walkthroughs on my PC without having to alt-tab (which makes the PC versions crash sometimes, so isn't advisable).

    I have the nagging feeling it would be stupid to buy games I already have... but then I did it with RE Revelations and enjoyed playing through it again. Hmm...

    Oh yeah, the PC install size for RE1 Remaster is 17 gigs... the 360 version is 5.4. Capcom didn't do their best work with the PC conversion.
  • ShinUkyoShinUkyo190,206
    Posted on 28 March 18 at 00:43
    ItsRoflz said:
    Can we just see the DLC for Borderlands TPS go on sale. I've waited a couple years and still nothing, yet the dlc for the first two games are on sale every few months
    The Season Pass for Borderlands: TPS actually did go on sale once. I manged to purchase it at that point after a few years waiting. I believe it was five or six dollars (U.S.) To my recollection: it was during one of the big seasonal sales (winter/holiday, spring, etc.) You are right, however, that they really should put season passes on sale during the same weeks as their corresponding base games go on sale - as a standard. It's hard to sell folks a base game for five bucks then charge twenty bucks for a season pass.

    Mind you a season pass at full price is a good value in the case of a Borderlands game. The only reason I waited so long, and wanted to get the pass on sale, is that I had yet to boot my 360 copy of the game. Bought BL:TPS at launch for 360, but various life circumstances and other games kept delaying my playing it. And by the time I got around to it, the current-gen ports were announced via the Handsome Collection.
  • casa de mortecasa de morte1,002,388
    Posted on 28 March 18 at 00:47
    And what a shock only two pieces of DLC on sale. I guess we are supposed to buy the full game for a big discount and then buy a thing of DLC that is about 10% of the full game or less for full price. Makes sense.
  • GuidalityGuidality979,690
    Posted on 28 March 18 at 13:03
    HawkeyeBarry20 said:
    Guidality said:
    adamrulz said:
    If you haven’t played Jurassic Park the game, now is the time... usually $20+ and the physical copy goes for more than that... this is what got me into the telltale games... check it out, if you like other Telltale games for sure.
    Personally I thought Jurassic Park was the worst Telltale game I've played to date.
    Have you played the Sam and Max game? Those two make Jurassic Park look like the greatest game of all time.
    I have not, but I did just buy them so I will find out here pretty soon
  • Detox2033Detox2033338,531
    Posted on 28 March 18 at 15:46
    Why the hell portal still alive always isn't on sale???
  • Posted on 09 April 18 at 13:37
    Against my better judgement and even after reading the widespread reports of it being bad, I bought San Andreas... I hope I don't regret this.
  • Yummy BaklavaYummy Baklava1,134,036
    Posted on 10 April 18 at 07:52
    If GTA IV released in 2008 and is backward compatible, and if Red Dead Redemption released in 2010 and is also backward compatible, I can only hope a game released in 2012 is also in the works. I just bought Max Payne 3.

    clap clap clap

    FullNietzsche said:
    Against my better judgement and even after reading the widespread reports of it being bad, I bought San Andreas... I hope I don't regret this.
    It hasn't aged well, but it's still worth playing.
  • Posted on 10 April 18 at 08:31
    Yummy Baklava said:
    If GTA IV released in 2008 and is backward compatible, and if Red Dead Redemption released in 2010 and is also backward compatible, I can only hope a game released in 2012 is also in the works. I just bought Max Payne 3.

    clap clap clap

    FullNietzsche said:
    Against my better judgement and even after reading the widespread reports of it being bad, I bought San Andreas... I hope I don't regret this.
    It hasn't aged well, but it's still worth playing.
    I played it a bit and so far it's fine, very nostalgic as it must be 10 years since I last played... and I do already own it on PC but it's a hassle to get working properly and I thought it would be nice to play with achievements, and checkpoints! (one of the actual improvements in this mobile version port.)
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