ItsRoflz said:Can we just see the DLC for Borderlands TPS go on sale. I've waited a couple years and still nothing, yet the dlc for the first two games are on sale every few months
The Season Pass for Borderlands: TPS actually did go on sale once. I manged to purchase it at that point after a few years waiting. I believe it was five or six dollars (U.S.) To my recollection: it was during one of the big seasonal sales (winter/holiday, spring, etc.) You are right, however, that they really should put season passes on sale during the same weeks as their corresponding base games go on sale - as a standard. It's hard to sell folks a base game for five bucks then charge twenty bucks for a season pass.
Mind you a season pass at full price is a good value in the case of a Borderlands game. The only reason I waited so long, and wanted to get the pass on sale, is that I had yet to boot my 360 copy of the game. Bought BL:TPS at launch for 360, but various life circumstances and other games kept delaying my playing it. And by the time I got around to it, the current-gen ports were announced via the Handsome Collection.