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New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning July 2nd, 2018

  • BigNev44BigNev441,931,602
    Posted on 03 July 18 at 04:38
    KilldbyNecropsy said:
    BigNev44 said:
    punkyliar said:
    Kain Hellblade said:
    Wasn't the new Warhammer game supposed to be out this week or was it canceled?
    Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr was supposed to be released on July 5th. I did find a thread on Facebook that suggested publisher BigBen had delayed it again but couldn't find anything official. Microsoft doesn't have it on their list, although that isn't unusual, but the most telling thing is that retailers all have different potential release dates. If it was out this week, they'd be consistent. I've left it off this week's list as I honestly don't think it'll appear anytime soon.

    Edit: Yep, it's been officially delayed into August.

    Ah well, at least more time with Vermintide 2 and Earthfall but it's looks like Red Faction this week.
    My Best Buy pre order has the release date set at 24 July. Though someone told me that neocore told the 25 August.
    You're lucky to have a release date on your pre-order, mine from Amazon says Dec 31 2018 as a placeholder since the last delay, i at least hope it releases and in a fine state after all these delays.
  • BurnNotice89BurnNotice89463,849
    Posted on 03 July 18 at 05:54
    Asdivine Hearts reminds me a little of Grandia

    preordered :)
  • Iggsy81Iggsy81818,727
    Posted on 03 July 18 at 06:29
    I'll buy Asdivine hearts even tho it's a mobile game and is $22 where i live (Aus). Desperate for more turn based JRPGs !
  • Posted on 03 July 18 at 11:07
    That title for Red Faction might win the award for worst title.
  • MrJenkins91MrJenkins91422,958
    Posted on 03 July 18 at 15:46
    Red Faction Remastered for 30€ for that is just too expensive.
    I make multiple lists ranging from achievements to dlc pricing. Constantly updating data when available.
  • Inspector 74Inspector 74544,371
    Posted on 10 July 18 at 12:20
    Legohead 1977 said:
    Wheelspin looks like a game I might enjoy...
    I absofuckinlutely hate this game man its a pure 'grind' wait for the sale man
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