Game Discussion: Claws of Furry

Achievements not unlocking

  • HateMe4141HateMe41411,980,105
    Posted on 03 September 18 at 17:06, Edited on 03 September 18 at 17:06 by HateMe4141
    For those that have had an achievement not unlock when the requirement is met.

    In every instance of this I managed to get the achievement to unlock by starting a game in Rogue Mode and it unlocked within 10 seconds or so of the first level
  • Posted on 10 September 18 at 01:36
    Doesn't work for me. Every bar is just frozen.

    For example, it says I'm at 193 kills, but I don't have the 100 kills achievement... I should be at least at 500+ kills by now.
  • Faustus PHDFaustus PHD1,838,433
    Posted on 19 November 18 at 04:55
    I have the same problem specifically with the uppercuts, bullets, and kills achievements. The tracker has just stopped. I tried deleting local save and hard reset to no avail. Unfortunately, I played up until the first boss on Rogue Mode and none of them unlocked. Did anyone find another fix?
  • Parkman RulesParkman Rules1,756,827
    Posted on 19 November 18 at 17:40
    I have the same problem. Tracker stopped around 90-95% for the bullets, kills and uppercuts.
  • meatman75meatman752,534,475
    Posted on 28 November 18 at 20:47
    I wrote the dev and got this response on Nov 21.



    We'll be fixing the achievements and some other trackers that we've seen have issues next week and then we'll give it to Microsoft to release
    but when they'll be doing it, it's up to them. So I would say within the next 2-3 weeks!

    Terahard Team
  • farfadet29farfadet29961,311
    Posted on 18 December 18 at 22:29
    same problem here : tracker stop at 98% for bullets kills at 96% and uppercut 54%! the 3 last achievements to have 1000g.....
  • dkpuff29dkpuff29458,062
    Posted on 21 December 18 at 08:12
    the same bug with kill uppercut bullet... and 4 run for unlock arene ten waves. it s really angry
  • meatman75meatman752,534,475
    Posted on 18 June 19 at 13:39
    I followed up with the developer again today and got this response...

    "Unfortunately xbox changed the ways that achievements work and we need to redo them from scratch. At the moment we don't have an estimated time of fixing.

    Apologies for the inconvenience,
    Terahard Team"
  • ll Durden llll Durden ll2,028,676
    Posted on 11 November 20 at 23:35
    Anyone have any ideas for fixes these days? Have 2 achievements stuck. One at 99 one at 87%
  • ShSilentFartShSilentFart914,023
    Posted on 17 January 21 at 05:59
    Same! Just tried couple days ago again and i even reset the game to 100% reset and the tracker for both those achievements for still frozen :///
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