The Bargain Bin

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Xbox 360 Sale Roundup: September 18th, 2018

  • snatcher33snatcher33501,688
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:26, Edited on 18 September 18 at 03:50 by snatcher33
    Anybody have an opinion on Legend of Kay. I love platformers, so I'm wondering if this will be up my alley?
  • Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:35
    Bah still no Goat Simulator dlc....
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:37
    getting the Red Faction DLC!
  • AbyssalOrc33AbyssalOrc33676,786
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:42
    *sigh* oh course I buy comix zone and it goes on sale. that figures. at least it wasn't expensive to begin with
  • Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:48
    Alan Wake American Nightmare! Sometimes it pays off being swarmed in a backlog for super sales like these lol
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:50
    I don’t know why I check these anymore. laugh
  • Posted on 18 September 18 at 03:55
    If no one picked up Lost Odyssey when it was for free, they should jump on it. Such a good turn based game. I really wish there was a sequel.
  • Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:01
    Seeing Red Faction: Guerrilla and its DLC on sale gives me hope of it going BC. Doubt it though since Remarstered released recently.
  • TheJoeDeanTheJoeDean1,451,238
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:08
    snatcher33 said:
    Anybody have an opinion on Legend of Kay. I love platformers, so I'm wondering if this will be up my alley?
    It's okay at best. I started it but really couldn't get into it.
  • Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:19
    xXLILBRAZIL said:
    getting the Red Faction DLC!
    As am I. Trying to decide if the non-achievement DLC (Smasher Pack) is worth getting as it sounds multiplayer and I can't imagine that being very busy. Anyone say it's worth it? Has it one player content?
  • AbyssalOrc33AbyssalOrc33676,786
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:25
    IAteA11ThePies said:
    xXLILBRAZIL said:
    getting the Red Faction DLC!
    As am I. Trying to decide if the non-achievement DLC (Smasher Pack) is worth getting as it sounds multiplayer and I can't imagine that being very busy. Anyone say it's worth it? Has it one player content?
    The non-achievement DLC is NOT worth it. You can't host matches if you own that DLC as most people won't have it. However you can join other people.

    Just buy Demons of the Badlands.
  • matdanmatdan863,618
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:27
    Only one on here that has no chance of going BC is Fantastic Pets as a kinect title.

    All the rest remaining are Nordic or THQ games which have made most of their games BC. Crackdown 2 and State of Decay are Microsoft games so they will go BC eventually.

    I would recommend everyone pick up both of the Red Faction DLCs as it is rare to see that in a sale and that cheap.
    Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon, Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath!
  • Elite1111111111Elite11111111111,162,489
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:33, Edited on 18 September 18 at 04:35 by Elite1111111111
    IAteA11ThePies said:
    xXLILBRAZIL said:
    getting the Red Faction DLC!
    As am I. Trying to decide if the non-achievement DLC (Smasher Pack) is worth getting as it sounds multiplayer and I can't imagine that being very busy. Anyone say it's worth it? Has it one player content?
    It only adds Wrecking Crew levels, which is the 'party game' pass-the-controller mode where you try to earn points through destruction. I'd imagine that doesn't really have value with most folks.

    Edit: Also adds one multiplayer mode that I can't imagine you'd find anyone for.
  • DoggyDog420DoggyDog4201,304,523
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 04:59
    JeDiMlnDTrlcks said:
    Bah still no Goat Simulator dlc....
    My thoughts exactly. Give the people what they want already!!!
  • ZwaveldioxideZwaveldioxide1,419,832
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 06:11
    I'll take Comix Zone.
  • i Pond Lifei Pond Life657,188
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 06:57
    AW American Nightmare as good as the original Alan Wake?
  • Jay InsomniakJay Insomniak1,550,665
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 06:59
    Dammit I bought the Red Faction DLC a couple weeks back... At least I played it before this discount otherwise I would've been even more pissed.
    My favourite colour is red
  • British LegendsBritish Legends1,098,650
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 08:06
    Need another big 360 DLC sale! I bet it'll be a while :(
    Posted on 18 September 18 at 08:12
    Oh come on! They could have put on sale Fable II DLCs. I just need the achievements of knothole island cry
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