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Xbox One Black Friday Sale 2018

  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 17:38, Edited on 16 November 18 at 17:39 by HolyHalfDead
    Basileus said:
    I was in Abu Dhabi recently which lies in the UAE like Dubai and couldn't use the rewards program.
    It's not available there:
    Maybe I am wrong about Dubai - I just remember my daughter doing 60 Bing searches (30 mobile chrome then 30 mobile chrome in desktop mode) at what seemed like every airport.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 17:47, Edited on 16 November 18 at 17:53 by HolyHalfDead
    CarlosMaestre85 said:
    I truly still can't understand how to rack points. I installed bing on my phone and do searches, but how many in average do we need? Using edge helps? Do I have to relogin?
    Some countries give bonus points if you search with Edge.

    No need to use bing app on your phone, just do 30 searches (90 points) in you favourite browser in desktop mode, then 30 searches in mobile mode (90 points) every day (may vary depending on country). Make sure you are signed in, and that the little number in the top right showing your total points goes up 3 after every search. Get another 30 points from Xbox One by doing each 5 point daily activity. And if I remember correctly there are daily bonus quizzes for another 30 points, and if you do them everyday you get something like 45 points every 3 days for a streak. So you can easily get a few thousand in a month. Whereas if the country you live in doesn’t have Bing you can only get a few hundred a month.

    I also forgot, I get 1 point for every $1 I spend, so I just got 26 points for buying XCOM2. Whoot!
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • Rowin OcampoRowin Ocampo712,847
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 18:14
    It says the sales end in 2 days, but also says the sales go until the 26th. So which is it?
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 18:32, Edited on 16 November 18 at 18:32 by HolyHalfDead
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    It says the sales end in 2 days, but also says the sales go until the 26th. So which is it?
    answered several times already. The Gold exclusive sale ends on Tuesday, and the Gold + Free sale starts on Tuesday for a week.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • Rowin OcampoRowin Ocampo712,847
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 18:52
    HolyHalfDead said:
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    It says the sales end in 2 days, but also says the sales go until the 26th. So which is it?
    answered several times already. The Gold exclusive sale ends on Tuesday, and the Gold + Free sale starts on Tuesday for a week.
    Gold + Free? What exactly is that, if you don't mind explaining
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,136
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 21:49
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    HolyHalfDead said:
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    It says the sales end in 2 days, but also says the sales go until the 26th. So which is it?
    answered several times already. The Gold exclusive sale ends on Tuesday, and the Gold + Free sale starts on Tuesday for a week.
    Gold + Free? What exactly is that, if you don't mind explaining
    Unfortunately ive asked and have been semi answered. What im trying to get a clear answer on these sale prices for us gold stay the same through the entirety of the sale, even once silver is allowed. Like once Tuesday comes will the sale be exactly the same, game for game.. Or come Tuesday the prices will be totally different or not even on sale for gold. I imagine im overthinking this but its wording is driving me crazy!
  • ShinnizleShinnizle2,354,165
    Posted on 16 November 18 at 21:55
    Sale prices should NOT change for us Gold members. We simply have the sale a few days early (and more % off than Silver members).
    Broke is a state of wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,136
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 00:11
    Shinnizle said:
    Sale prices should NOT change for us Gold members. We simply have the sale a few days early (and more % off than Silver members).
    I appreciate the response. Just seems odd that for gold members why it says ends in a few days. I mean if your silver you wouldn't see that pricing anyway so why not just give the actual end date for gold members. If that makes sense..Just weird 🤔
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 17 November 18 at 01:24
    on the game website does the sale stay the same when it comes on the 22nd or does it change because it says early black Friday sale but Im not sure because I know they increased xbox 1s so they can drop them later but im wondering if its the same with the games because I want to get ezio edition, ac origins, ac odyssey and I wonder if me having the elite account helps
  • Posted on 17 November 18 at 04:56
    I think I'm going to need to set a budget for this sale. So many games. Glad I bought Red Dead and waited on everything else.
  • Posted on 17 November 18 at 08:27
    I am so picking up The Division Gold Edition. I love this modern trend of 'game + season pass and bonuses at a steep discount'.
  • LifeExpectancyLifeExpectancy1,764,485
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 11:05
    WTH is the point in having Destiny 2 AND Forsaken combo be cheaper than just Forsaken by itself?
  • o Heres Jonny oo Heres Jonny o1,918,567
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 11:49
    Slightly off topic, but if I redeem a Microsoft gift card, can I use it on my xbox or do I need an xbox gift card.

    I will be pickig up return to arkham with the points if I can.
    Happy Gaming
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 12:16, Edited on 17 November 18 at 12:32 by HolyHalfDead
    zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz said:
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    HolyHalfDead said:
    Rowin Ocampo said:
    It says the sales end in 2 days, but also says the sales go until the 26th. So which is it?
    answered several times already. The Gold exclusive sale ends on Tuesday, and the Gold + Free sale starts on Tuesday for a week.
    Gold + Free? What exactly is that, if you don't mind explaining
    Unfortunately ive asked and have been semi answered. What im trying to get a clear answer on these sale prices for us gold stay the same through the entirety of the sale, even once silver is allowed. Like once Tuesday comes will the sale be exactly the same, game for game.. Or come Tuesday the prices will be totally different or not even on sale for gold. I imagine im overthinking this but its wording is driving me crazy!
    Xbox Live Silver hasn’t existed since about 2008.

    There is only:
    Xbox Live Gold - a membership you have to pay for and
    Xbox Live Free - a membership that is free

    On Tuesday the XBL Gold & XBL Free Black Friday sale starts. The Gold prices will be the same as they were this week. The Free prices will be higher, typically 10% more than the Gold price.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • ViggenxpViggenxp34,036
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 12:19
    LifeExpectancy said:
    WTH is the point in having Destiny 2 AND Forsaken combo be cheaper than just Forsaken by itself?
    That's what I call the stupidest thing about Bungie, also bought Destiny 2 + first 2 dlc, and now want Forsaken, which is full price tag as same for those who have nothing, really was hoping to the price to come down to USD 20, not full price game, really Bungie is desperate for $$, really regret buying Destiny 2 in the first place, is a good game, lots of fun, but ridiculous prices, they are only hurting themselves, there are other users in here who didn't buy Forsaken for this.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 12:21, Edited on 17 November 18 at 12:31 by HolyHalfDead
    Blue Papyrus said:
    I am so picking up The Division Gold Edition. I love this modern trend of 'game + season pass and bonuses at a steep discount'.
    Not sure about modern, it started in 2013 - because bundles were not really possible on the 360 marketplace.

    People will slowly realise that although they can buy the game from CEX for $5, if they want the Season Pass cheap, they are better off putting the $5 towards the bundle.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 12:25, Edited on 17 November 18 at 12:30 by HolyHalfDead
    Viggenxp said:
    LifeExpectancy said:
    WTH is the point in having Destiny 2 AND Forsaken combo be cheaper than just Forsaken by itself?
    That's what I call the stupidest thing about Bungie, also bought Destiny 2 + first 2 dlc, and now want Forsaken, which is full price tag as same for those who have nothing, really was hoping to the price to come down to USD 20, not full price game, really Bungie is desperate for $$, really regret buying Destiny 2 in the first place, is a good game, lots of fun, but ridiculous prices, they are only hurting themselves, there are other users in here who didn't buy Forsaken for this.
    I take it you didn’t buy Destiny 1

    Let me break it down for you:
    Destiny 1 Year 1 = $60
    Destiny 1 Year 2 = $60
    Destiny 1 Year 3 = $60

    And if you decide not to pay for Year 2, you are locked out of most of the game. So it is your choice, do you want to pay $180 for a 3 year “subscription” or $60 for everything in Year 3? And before you say it is not fair, just remember you got to play the game for two years more than someone who buys it in year 3. Do you pay for Netflix every year, or do you wait until the final season of the show you love has been filmed, and then buy Netflix and watch it all at once.

    Personally I will be getting:
    Destiny 2 in Year 4 for $30
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead829,254
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 12:36
    zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz said:
    Shinnizle said:
    Sale prices should NOT change for us Gold members. We simply have the sale a few days early (and more % off than Silver members).
    I appreciate the response. Just seems odd that for gold members why it says ends in a few days. I mean if your silver you wouldn't see that pricing anyway so why not just give the actual end date for gold members. If that makes sense..Just weird 🤔
    You are assuming Microsoft can run two sales on the same item at the same time, which this indicates they can’t. So they have to end the first sale before they can start the second sale.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • BasileusBasileus410,315
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 13:23
    o Heres Jonny o said:
    Slightly off topic, but if I redeem a Microsoft gift card, can I use it on my xbox or do I need an xbox gift card.

    I will be pickig up return to arkham with the points if I can.
    Yes, you can use the Microsofot gift card for sales on Xbox. Did that recently.

    BUT: I saw the last time when the 10$/10€-cards were on sale for 7000 reward points that their validity is limited. Pay attention to that detail, it might be again, but I didn't check.
  • matdanmatdan863,624
    Posted on 17 November 18 at 16:46
    Any decent enhanced games in the sale? Not sure which are worth it.
    Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon, Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath!
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