The Bargain Bin

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Xbox One Sale Roundup: November 27th, 2018

  • ThexDaftxPunkThexDaftxPunk1,399,041
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 01:55
    finally going to snag Town of Light :)
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 27 November 18 at 01:56, Edited on 27 November 18 at 01:56 by
    Vampyr on sale which sucks I've spent way too much money but I'll probably have to pick it up
  • Christophe42Christophe42909,418
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 02:14
    The Town of Light is worth checking out. It is not a technically great game, but it has the most emotionally devastating story I have ever encountered in any game. It is not a great game, but I do consider it to be an important work of art, if that makes any sense.
  • LilGurgiLilGurgi511,470
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 02:16
    One of these days I'll eventually get around to picking up the Bioshock collection, but it just seems whenever it's on sale I have too much other stuff going on/recently purchased games to justify buying it. At some point I'll get it though...
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 27 November 18 at 02:22
    CompleteKurisu said:
    The Town of Light is worth checking out. It is not a technically great game, but it has the most emotionally devastating story I have ever encountered in any game. It is not a great game, but I do consider it to be an important work of art, if that makes any sense.
    It's got a great narrative, but you should check out Spec Ops: The Line or Silent Hill 2 if you just want to feel like complete shit by the end of the game laugh Lots of people brush off the Town of Light because they ignored the story and just wanted easy GS, but I think it's more solid than most walking sims out there. It certainly does a better job of depicting mental illness than that pretentious "indie" game known as Hellblade laugh
    sorr yfor my england
  • Posted on 27 November 18 at 02:24
    I think Ill bite on Town of Light as well
    Your achievements are belong to us!
  • LockieLockie944,758
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:09
    xONLYINHUMANxx said:
    Vampyr on sale which sucks I've spent way too much money but I'll probably have to pick it up
    I see what you did there wink
    Posting from sunny Australia.
  • TropanTropan1,074,825
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:09
    Town of Light and Candle, cleared from wishlist.
    3 Aussies talking about gaming, gamerscore and news!
  • casinomancasinoman668,233
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:14
    The Town of Light also has a Japanese variant as well.
  • HawkeyeBarry20HawkeyeBarry201,101,951
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:15
    Coffin Dodgers looks like mindless fun. I might get Candle but I’m still waiting for a bigger sale. I’m passing on Vampyr because I’m hoping my wife picked that up for a nice Christmas gift.
  • Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:15
    Great price for the Bioshock Collection.
    Don't bro me if you don't know me.
  • jasonlc3221jasonlc32211,278,361
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 03:57, Edited on 27 November 18 at 04:00 by jasonlc3221
    It's funny how the sales week AFTER a big sale always feels like a Gamestop threw up and it's just what we're left with.
  • Posted on 27 November 18 at 04:31
    Town of light and vampyr for me.
  • Posted on 27 November 18 at 04:32
    jasonlc3221 said:
    It's funny how the sales week AFTER a big sale always feels like a Gamestop threw up and it's just what we're left with.
    Gamestop and EB games is the next blockbuster.
  • Haugse 0neHaugse 0ne1,069,932
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 04:33
    HawkeyeBarry20 said:
    Coffin Dodgers looks like mindless fun. I might get Candle but I’m still waiting for a bigger sale. I’m passing on Vampyr because I’m hoping my wife picked that up for a nice Christmas gift.
    IMO it's not really that fun at all. Easy GS but that's just about it for me.
    Every game with DLC that you pay for is a paid update.
  • P00R GRENDELP00R GRENDEL1,008,232
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 04:54
    *looks at that LA Noire remaster price* I'm thinking it's time.
    I think you are mistaking my message here.
  • EchelonSixEchelonSix1,325,765
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 05:33
    Town of light... at least something.
    Wh40k is expensive... naaaaah
  • ChristijamChristijam105,809
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 05:53
    Bioshock is looking very tempting.. shock
    Enjoy every moment.
  • Living LegendsLiving Legends1,125,030
    Posted on 27 November 18 at 05:55
    Christijam said:
    Bioshock is looking very tempting.. shock
    good price for itOstrowidzki1989 said:
    jasonlc3221 said:
    It's funny how the sales week AFTER a big sale always feels like a Gamestop threw up and it's just what we're left with.
    Gamestop and EB games is the next blockbuster.
    I enjoy their free "rental" service
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