Recster said:Gotta say it somewhere... These "in your face" video ads are god awfully annoying, and they certainly dont help my mobile data limits.
Do I really need to see the same ad 10 times in a row on EVERY SINGLE PAGE I VISIT? REALLY?!? Love the fact that I can't close them for a few seconds either.
TA, please kill them. Kill them dead. Kill them forever.
Omg this! I just assumed something was up with my phone. I cant even look at the site on phone anymore. The second a page loads it cuts my music off bc of these ads! Like i get you have to have ads..but ones that literally follow you on screen while your trying to navigate is ridiculous. I dont know if they've become so blatantly in your face bc they want to force a pro membership on you or what?(comment above suggest pro doesnt have this?) But this just seems a bit of a dick move. You can easily have ads all over the place without them being this intrusive. Still love the site, just starting to use less..End rant. I will add that i dont have a pro account so i dont really have much room to bitch haha!