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Xbox One Holiday 2018 Sale Roundup

  • Posted on 23 December 18 at 19:31
    $2.50 for the ROTTR 20th Anniversary DLC? Worth it.
  • DopamineLoopDopamineLoop428,534
    Posted on 24 December 18 at 12:13
    hitman04 said:
    Does the Fallout 4 Season Pass include the full game?
    As a rule of thumb season passes don't include the base game. GOTY edition is what you are looking for. It's FO4 and every DLC that was released. I completed it all, one of my favorite games of all time.
  • DopamineLoopDopamineLoop428,534
    Posted on 24 December 18 at 12:21
    zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz said:
    Dark Death 90 said:
    Yet again, the normal Witcher 3 is priced the same as the GOTY edition. Someone explain to me how the hell it makes sense, it pisses me off. Just make it a bit cheaper for the regular game, it's not hard!

    At any rate, I'll grab the Arkham games for $5. Contemplating a few other things, but I wish Nier Automata was in this sale.
    Why would you NOT get the GOTY edition? Regardless, game in any iteration is more than worth most new games currently out anyways 😂
    The Witcher 3 has a separate achievement list compared to the GOTY version. I invested 50 hours at launch. I'd have to start over if I bought the GOTY edition. So basically early adopters get screwed. It would cost us more to buy the base game and the season pass.

    The OP might just be looking for the base game at a lower price with no interest in the DLC. But yeah this situation is uncommon where the GOTY edition is not a no brainer even when it's the same price as the base game. Shadow of Mordor was another situation like this.
  • Posted on 25 December 18 at 04:43
    I just got Gorogoa for sale and I have to say that it was really worth it!
    It's a really creative puzzle game. Although it's quite short, it was enjoyable.
  • Van DammageVan Dammage2,375,484
    Posted on 27 December 18 at 11:18
    eayragt said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    Segendary Ty said:
    How do I buy games through the american market? I use paypal but that still gets me european prices
    Use a vpn and pick a state in USA maybe?
    No, unless you're from a region that's not on Xbox you can't do that anymore. You have to use prepaid currency.
    Sure you can. Just need to use US paypal account.
  • Axeman 106Axeman 106482,206
    Posted on 29 December 18 at 19:03
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,075
    Posted on 29 December 18 at 20:51
    StabaCadaver said:
    zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz said:
    Dark Death 90 said:
    Yet again, the normal Witcher 3 is priced the same as the GOTY edition. Someone explain to me how the hell it makes sense, it pisses me off. Just make it a bit cheaper for the regular game, it's not hard!

    At any rate, I'll grab the Arkham games for $5. Contemplating a few other things, but I wish Nier Automata was in this sale.
    Why would you NOT get the GOTY edition? Regardless, game in any iteration is more than worth most new games currently out anyways 😂
    The Witcher 3 has a separate achievement list compared to the GOTY version. I invested 50 hours at launch. I'd have to start over if I bought the GOTY edition. So basically early adopters get screwed. It would cost us more to buy the base game and the season pass.

    The OP might just be looking for the base game at a lower price with no interest in the DLC. But yeah this situation is uncommon where the GOTY edition is not a no brainer even when it's the same price as the base game. Shadow of Mordor was another situation like this.
    Oh ok, i forgot about that. Come to think of it i may have to do the original set just so i can go back through it lol id gladly restart that game. But for me its just about the best overall gaming experience ive ever had. I can see now tho where they might be coming from and can understand that being an annoyance 😁
  • Posted on 30 December 18 at 01:08
    As I previously had black ops 3 with season pass through gamesharing with someone and now I own neither, which version should I buy? Base game with zombie chronicles for £22 or add the season pass to that for £40?
  • Posted on 31 December 18 at 00:25
    Loving Bad North so far
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