The Bargain Bin

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Xbox One Sale Roundup: April 2nd, 2019

  • YaziteYazite503,488
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 06:59
    First sale for Amnesia Collection since it launched
    Wake me, when you need me.
  • CheshireMulishaCheshireMulisha3,523,943
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 06:59
    TornadoCFP said:
    Late shift is also on sale.
    That was last weeks sale
  • IdenicIdenic228,439
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 08:19
    just waiting for that Spring Sale dance
  • Posted on 02 April 19 at 08:30
    I would recommend Friday the 13th.
  • buttmudBrooksbuttmudBrooks1,620,712
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 11:51
    This is an opportunity for some quick horror gamerscore if that's your thing. The park, dying: reborn and don't knock twice, haunted Halloween, Toby, layers of fear.
    Always number 2.
  • BushidoBrown305BushidoBrown3051,401,464
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 12:11
    There’s actually a lot from this sale that I’ll be buying.

    Need the layers of fear dlc to go back on sale before the new game comes out as well so I can go back and give that the proper play through
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 02 April 19 at 12:27
    May I say that I adore how this site does these listings? The links to the game pages is so informative given that I am unaware of some of these titles and the pages do provide a rather decent amount of info.
  • FailedSeppukuFailedSeppuku1,971,443
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 13:39
    Been meaning to buy Furi for a long time, under a fiver is too good a price to pass it up this time.
  • ClockwerksClockwerks1,098,426
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 16:02
    FailedSeppuku said:
    Been meaning to buy Furi for a long time, under a fiver is too good a price to pass it up this time.
    Same, definitely picking this one up.

    Highly recommend Enter the Gungeon, Slain, and Jotun from this list as well. Also LIMBO, if you still haven't played it.
  • KanchanaburiKanchanaburi1,328,476
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 16:48
    MANY OF THESE GAMES WILL likely be added to the game pass. Tacoma being one of them.
  • i Pond Lifei Pond Life654,682
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 18:50
    Anyone played the bunker? Worth it at that price?
  • wolfsburgrazwolfsburgraz971,146
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 19:05, Edited on 02 April 19 at 19:05 by wolfsburgraz
    I feel like Layers of Fear is due an exit from Game Pass at some point. For that price I might buy it just to future proof... because heaven knows committing to actually playing through a game right now while it's still "free" to me is too difficult, right? laugh

    Eying up Soma and Furi, but I may just walk away with nothing this week.
  • MrZombieChickenMrZombieChicken1,644,656
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 19:40
    wolfsburgraz said:
    I feel like Layers of Fear is due an exit from Game Pass at some point. For that price I might buy it just to future proof... because heaven knows committing to actually playing through a game right now while it's still "free" to me is too difficult, right? laugh
    Didn't grab it when it was GWG in 2017?
    This space for rent.
  • wolfsburgrazwolfsburgraz971,146
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 19:44, Edited on 02 April 19 at 19:49 by wolfsburgraz
    MrZombieChicken said:
    Didn't grab it when it was GWG in 2017?
    No, I skipped it thinking it was a type of game I wouldn't care about and didn't claim it. I stupidly missed out on a few other titles like that (example: The Wolf Among Us).

    I don't make that mistake anymore, I claim everything and sort it out later.
  • MrZombieChickenMrZombieChicken1,644,656
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 20:23
    Yeah, I claim everything even games I know there is an absolute zero chance I will be playing. Better be safe than sorry.
    This space for rent.
  • ShinnizleShinnizle2,354,201
    Posted on 02 April 19 at 20:25
    I do the same *stares at every RPG in his backlog* laugh
    Broke is a state of wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.
  • Posted on 02 April 19 at 20:32
    Lord Betus said:
    YourUncleLogan said:
    DBD Legion DLC should be permanently marked down especially after BHVR has failed to {#}rework{#} the killer who's useless at its base but game breaking with the Frank's Mixtape add-on
    If you think he is broken, which I will not disagree with at all, then wouldn't we want them to mark it up so that less people will buy it. That way we don't have to come up against as many of them laugh
    The plot thickens...
    The Gutless Wonder "Try not to understand anything I'm saying and it'll all make sense"
  • Julz D 01Julz D 01706,102
    Posted on 03 April 19 at 01:08
    Are any of the horror games worth it? I noticed most of them are rated about 2 on here.
  • WyyvernWyyvern883,478
    Posted on 03 April 19 at 01:43
    Julz D 01 said:
    Are any of the horror games worth it? I noticed most of them are rated about 2 on here.
    SOMA sits at a 4.2 at the moment, and it's well earned IMO.
    Here be dragons.
  • Posted on 03 April 19 at 01:59
    Seitzz said:
    Escapists would be the only thing I'd buy if I hadn't already played it. Looks like nothing this week.
    Is Escapists fun? Can you tell me a little about why it's worth it?
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