The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Xbox One Spring Sale 2019

  • TormondTormond501,859
    Posted on 13 April 19 at 18:02
    What is the difference between ACO Gold and Ultimate edition? Looks like both of them have exactly the same content?
  • Posted on 13 April 19 at 18:27
    Tormond said:
    What is the difference between ACO Gold and Ultimate edition? Looks like both of them have exactly the same content?
    I think ultimate includes the deluxe content whereas gold does not
  • n3wt89n3wt89307,128
    Posted on 13 April 19 at 19:45
    ThreeHaddock62 said:
    rocking23nf said:
    i swear these sales are the exact same every 3-4 months.
    I expected to go poor this sale, but what I am interested in on this list has been on sale numerous times before at the same prices, or are more expensive than previous sales.
    Some have been cheaper. Most of the Lego games were between $5 and $7.50 with the black friday deals, and some of the major titles have been cheaper. Most on the list are the same prices they always go on sale for.
  • buttmudBrooksbuttmudBrooks1,620,397
    Posted on 13 April 19 at 19:56
    IM AM RAGEING said:
    All these games are utter shite. Yef same crap everytime facepalm
    Dumbest comment I have read in a long string of dumb comments.

    Care to justify your statement? The selection of games on sale covers every category of gaming I can see.
    Do you people just complain for the hell of it or what? What would a good sale look like to you?
    Always number 2.
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,075
    Posted on 13 April 19 at 20:39
    I picked up Wenjia, nice little Ori knock off. May try Black the fall, been waiting for it to drop under $5 but seems like it’ll be gwg or gamepass before that happens..
  • RhyoliticRhyolitic598,844
    Posted on 13 April 19 at 22:10
    KontoGR said:
    Rhyolitic said:
    KontoGR said:
    Seriously can someone explain why AC Odyssey is 67% off in US, but 50% off in EU?
    Because the bits have to be converted to metric. Also, your weird electrical plugs and voltages. It all adds up. smile
    You think you're funny?

    Funny lookin'. But really, I blame genetics for that. I can't really take credit.
  • Posted on 14 April 19 at 00:14
    ThreeHaddock62 said:
    KontoGR said:
    Rhyolitic said:
    KontoGR said:
    Seriously can someone explain why AC Odyssey is 67% off in US, but 50% off in EU?
    Because the bits have to be converted to metric. Also, your weird electrical plugs and voltages. It all adds up. smile
    You think you're funny?
    It was kinda funny.
    +1 from me too, gave me a chuckle.
  • SashamorningSashamorning3,591,977
    Posted on 14 April 19 at 04:17
    Rhyolitic said:
    KontoGR said:
    Rhyolitic said:
    KontoGR said:
    Seriously can someone explain why AC Odyssey is 67% off in US, but 50% off in EU?
    Because the bits have to be converted to metric. Also, your weird electrical plugs and voltages. It all adds up. smile
    You think you're funny?

    Funny lookin'. But really, I blame genetics for that. I can't really take credit.
    I thought it was damn funny, actually.
    Brevity is the soul of wit. ~W.S. / I guess I'm not witty. ~Sasha
  • Posted on 14 April 19 at 07:04
    Can anyone tell me how much of a pain Jurassic World Evolution is? I'm interested in playing it but never been too big on managing a sim type game. Is it a lot to it or more of an easier sim (build stuff but manages itself for the most part?)

    Thanks for any insight
  • Steve ShepSteve Shep1,791,264
    Posted on 14 April 19 at 17:35
    Is there any difference between the fifa 19 in the journey trilogy and the standard fifa 19? It's £3 cheaper with two extra games
  • AhayzoAhayzo1,773,640
    Posted on 14 April 19 at 19:11
    Steve Shep said:
    Is there any difference between the fifa 19 in the journey trilogy and the standard fifa 19? It's £3 cheaper with two extra games
    No difference. It happens sometimes with sales, an individual game ends up more expensive than a bundle that includes it.
  • Posted on 15 April 19 at 06:50
    MustangNights said:
    Can anyone tell me how much of a pain Jurassic World Evolution is? I'm interested in playing it but never been too big on managing a sim type game. Is it a lot to it or more of an easier sim (build stuff but manages itself for the most part?)

    Thanks for any insight
    If you’ve ever played Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis from 2003, which is Evolution’s spiritual predecessor, then you know pretty much what to expect, although JWE has a bit more micromanagement to it.

    You need to manually refill your feeders, unlike in JPOG, which had an infinite supply. If buildings get damaged during storms, you have to manually drive around and repair them, taking a few seconds each. Dinosaurs each have their own requirements for grassland, foliage, social need, etc. that must be met to keep them content. There’s a few other things, but you get the point.

    Now, none of these are particularly difficult tasks in and of themselves, but if you let your guard down, you will quickly discover that life will find a way.
  • halohogghalohogg120,353
    Posted on 15 April 19 at 14:17
    Backlog-itis: When the Arkham Bundle goes on sale for $24, and you realise 2 out of 3 in your collection are unfinished, but you're considering getting Forza 6 and Fallout 4 anyway - because they're smokin' deals again!!!
  • wolfsburgrazwolfsburgraz970,720
    Posted on 15 April 19 at 20:30
    I want Metal Gear Survive. Why do I want Metal Gear Survive? Do I hate myself? shock
  • SashamorningSashamorning3,591,977
    Posted on 15 April 19 at 20:40
    wolfsburgraz said:
    I want Metal Gear Survive. Why do I want Metal Gear Survive? Do I hate myself? shock
    Brevity is the soul of wit. ~W.S. / I guess I'm not witty. ~Sasha
  • Posted on 16 April 19 at 02:01
    wolfsburgraz said:
    I want Metal Gear Survive. Why do I want Metal Gear Survive? Do I hate myself? shock
    Yes, and you should feel very bad.
    Posted on 16 April 19 at 02:49
    buttmudBrooks said:
    {#}The exact games I wanted to be at least 75% off aren't so this sale is garbage amIright?{#}
    laugh but fr. this.laugh
    Leap Frog 2017 - 4x 6.4+ Ratio!! (Croaked on Day 29) --
  • snake42069snake420692,369,440
    Posted on 16 April 19 at 04:38
    Railway Empire has been placed on sale, 50% off ($30 U.S.)
  • ThreeHaddock62ThreeHaddock621,000,622
    Posted on 16 April 19 at 18:47
    snake42069 said:
    Railway Empire has been placed on sale, 50% off ($30 U.S.)
    That's part of the weekly deals with gold, not this spring sale. All of it's DLC is also on sale.
  • wolfsburgrazwolfsburgraz970,720
    Posted on 16 April 19 at 19:45
    Sashamorning said:
    green light ops said:
    Yes, and you should feel very bad.
    Haha, thanks for the confirmation. laugh
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