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Xbox One Super Game Sale 2019

  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,075
    Posted on 18 July 19 at 18:14
    Viggenxp said:
    I own Bioshock trilogy on 360, is it worthwhile getting the remastered version on One?
    In short, yes. In my humble opinion its just about the closest thing to perfection. Absolutely love the series. Looks beautiful as always. I played on my one X, but theyve always looked gorgeous. Also, not sure if you have, but all the story dlc comes with it as well. The dlc for infinite in particular radically adds and alters the store to a fantastic conclusion.
  • TengbergTengberg135,725
    Posted on 18 July 19 at 20:43
    Is the Assassins Creed Legendary Edition for just some regions? Cant find it in the store?
  • Posted on 18 July 19 at 22:50
    I think this was a good sale.
  • Legohead 1977Legohead 19772,248,072
    Posted on 19 July 19 at 09:58, Edited on 19 July 19 at 10:00 by Legohead 1977
    Solo Wing 82 said:
    jbOblivion said:
    Vandel Buster said:
    Legohead 1977 said:
    It ought to be noted that Ryse has an issue where you can't earn gold from multiplayer that is allegedly being looked at by Microsoft. As it stands you have to pay money to get a couple of the achievements!
    Unless that issue is new, then you don't need to spend a dime in-game. I started the game at launch and finished the MP via co-op with a buddy who bought it when it went on sale November 2017.
    This is a new issue (over the past few months) and it's currently not possible to complete all MP achievements without spending real money for acquiring booster packs for upgrading gear. This also makes it much more difficult to level up, since you effectively can't increase your health nor focus (slowing down time) slots.
    well, even if you buy the game, no one will really care if you have all the achievements in it or not, only yourself. i never cared for anyones achievement points other then my own so i dont think its much different for other people. you would just miss out on a pretty good 3rd person action game, because your afraid your not gonna get all the achievements that nobody other than you cares about. nobody cares about my achievements other then myself.
    The argument about how important achievements are isn't really relevant here, I was just pointing out that in order to complete the game you would have to spend extra money, and jbOblivion also pointed out the increased time required. (This whole site is geared towards helping people, the completion times and tags for unobtainable achievements for example).

    This is a fantastic game despite this issue, but I for one like to know all possible problems before I start a game, especially, as Vandel Buster pointed out, if the issue is not reflected in earlier completion times or solutions.

    Why would anyone care what other people they don't know think? They should however be allowed to place importance on whatever they want.
    Legohead 1977
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 20 July 19 at 03:12, Edited on 20 July 19 at 03:13 by
    Barely used discs in my X1X since I got it last year, but it recently decided to stop reading them. I wanted to play PD0 on Rare Replay again now that they finally enhanced the damn thing. Funny the digital collection FINALLY went on sale for the first time ever. Anyone that doesn't have Rare Replay should really grab it for the $15. Wish they'd do another Blast Corps. That was one of a kind.

    COD Ghosts and Sniper Elite V2 still seem overpriced, and I'm pissed they still haven't announced MW2 Remastered. I'll probably grab Sniper Elite 4 before the sale ends though.
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,075
    Posted on 20 July 19 at 04:57
    Picked up division 1 gold edition. Amazing deal!
  • KenH2k4KenH2k4596,571
    Posted on 20 July 19 at 13:33
    Heads up there's a rewards quest for spending $40 in this sale for 4000 points
  • BiscoitoBiscoito64,597
    Posted on 20 July 19 at 15:30
    Might pick up Ori and the Blind Forest.
  • XerostomiaXerostomia1,475,291
    Posted on 20 July 19 at 18:27
    Can one of the Warhammer 'Gods' on this forum tell me why the Imperium Edition is cheaper than the Deluxe version? Also, will the Imperium Edition contain all DLC current and future?

    I Loved Warhammer Dawn of War 2. Tempted to get Inquisitor if it will be the complete game.
  • Dont Copy MineDont Copy Mine1,136,717
    Posted on 21 July 19 at 01:47
    Does anyone know if I purchased the Call of Duty Ghosts Xbox 360 Season Pass, but I haven't purchased the Season Pass for Call of Duty Ghosts Xbox One, will I be able to get it for free when I install it?
  • KenH2k4KenH2k4596,571
    Posted on 21 July 19 at 12:52
    Dont Copy Mine said:
    Does anyone know if I purchased the Call of Duty Ghosts Xbox 360 Season Pass, but I haven't purchased the Season Pass for Call of Duty Ghosts Xbox One, will I be able to get it for free when I install it?
    I'm pretty sure but if you go to the store page for the Xbox One version I believe it'll show as owned if so
  • Mr PeanutbubberMr Peanutbubber1,042,421
    Posted on 22 July 19 at 03:47
    A pretty light sale for me which is good because I just picked up a PC late last week. Happy to take advantage of Game Pass Ultimate!

    OT: Looks like I'll snag Red Faction Re-Mars-tered and a few indies. Any thoughts on Frost? I love survival games, but suck at card games. Thanks in advance! toast
    "What is this...a crossover episode?!"
  • Posted on 25 July 19 at 04:20
    ManicMetalhead said:
    Anyone got any recommendations?
    I have a fair few on this list, either on my tag or in the backlog, but I want to see what anyone would suggest to I check those games out first smile
    Thanks in advance toast
    if you want a fun game color or co-op I would recommend warriors orochi 4
  • LeXXuzLeXXuz1,275,905
    Posted on 25 July 19 at 13:16, Edited on 26 July 19 at 09:35 by LeXXuz
    L.A. Noir just 29.99€ on Super Summer Sale? Woooow! shock

    Just bought the retail version directly from Amazon for 14.99€.

    Really looking forward to an all digital future... roll
  • MahginMahgin231,418
    Posted on 29 July 19 at 16:11
    I picked up NMS during the sale.. I was enjoying it, until I seem to have gotten stuck doing missions. In particular, finding antimatter for the warp drive. I have the hyper drive and just needed to get it fueled so I can get to the next system. Problem is, I have no red waypoints to go to. No manufacturing facility on the radar. Waiting for someone to sell it in the space station has been an exercise in frustration. Feels like I've slammed into a brick wall and can't experience anything more because I can't find the alien that gives me the first batch of antimatter.

    Anyone be willing to help me out, gift me some so I can get past this mission? Please?
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