The Bargain Bin

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Xbox One Sale Roundup: April 14th, 2020

  • SuperPed13SuperPed131,125,070
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 06:20
    The Killjoy Law said:
    Hows cartoon network battle crashers?
    Its an ok game. Gets boring quite quickly tho
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead825,426
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:01, Edited on 14 April 20 at 07:02 by HolyHalfDead
    DcupsOfJustice said:
    Why is it a constant to have the game bundled with the DLC on sale and not, then, have them separately as well?
    It’s cheaper to buy the DLC bundled with the game.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead825,426
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:04, Edited on 14 April 20 at 07:07 by HolyHalfDead
    GoyetteQC said:
    Aren't most of these games in the spring sale? I swear half of them were on sale last week as well.
    Those games appear to be only on sale for a couple more hours. Perhaps they will get extended by another week.
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • HUN playmoreHUN playmore2,289,268
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:06
    DcupsOfJustice said:
    Why is it a constant to have the game bundled with the DLC on sale and not, then, have them separately as well?
    Because they don't want you to buy the base game cheap/used from somewhere then get the DLC cheap too. They want you to buy the whole package from them, for their price. That is why most time the DLC/Season Pass on it's own costs just a little bit less than the game + season pass. Also DLCs are primary digital and no real way to get them cheaper/used so they control the market.
  • Brushwagg42Brushwagg42271,481
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:08
    Man, I want to try Civ6, but I'm just not buying a broken game 🙄.
  • TwistedTBTwistedTB1,499,806
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:20
    Yes! So much stuff I was waiting for. I picked up Sega Genesis Classics, Shenmue I & II, Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary, FullBlast, Scrabble (been waiting so long for this to be on sale by itself and not just in a bundle), Monopoly Deal, Attack of the Toy Tanks, and Thimbleweed Park, so I can finally finish it after I unadvisedly started it when it was about to go off Game Pass.
    Still under consideration: Zombieland, Dark Crystal, Octodad, Ninjin, Draw a Stickman, Enigmatis Collection, Outward, and Darksiders Genesis.
    Warmest regards, TwistedTB.
  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong565,307
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 07:23
    The Killjoy Law said:
    How is zombieland ?
    It’s terrible and they definitely don’t deserve your money. There’s so many great twin stick shooters out there, don’t waste time on this hot mess.
  • Sensei NeoSensei Neo1,748,864
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 09:23
    Cheapest i have seen GTA, not that it mattere
  • Scottish NutterScottish Nutter1,484,349
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 09:37
    Again no love for the Bus Drivers who want Bus Simulator on sale.
  • Smudgenat0rSmudgenat0r839,635
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 09:52
    vegansound said:
    I don't even bother looking at the lists anymore...

    1/ Because that's always the same sales,
    2/ Because I want TA to create a filter for games we already own, and above all create a filter to consider some games we chose as uninterested in, just like for Steam, so we won't see again games we don't want to.
    Go to the main menu drop down and click xbox sales. Click the filter button and tick exclude owned. Also has many other filter options there for you.
  • GepardsGepards192,464
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 10:09
    same sh*t, different day
  • AZUR bcAZUR bc727,789
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 10:50
    I find the sales quite interesting, I'll maybe pick 2-3 cheap games.

    Do yourself a favor if you like completion, don't pick Dynamite Fishing - World Games. I've been grinding the last achievement for 2 months, it's a 200 hours cheev, which is ridiculous since the game is boring and simple.. (I'm a bit salty but in 25 more hours i'll get it ahah)
  • vegansoundvegansound1,363,007
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 11:05
    Smudgenat0r said:
    vegansound said:
    I don't even bother looking at the lists anymore...

    1/ Because that's always the same sales,
    2/ Because I want TA to create a filter for games we already own, and above all create a filter to consider some games we chose as uninterested in, just like for Steam, so we won't see again games we don't want to.
    Go to the main menu drop down and click xbox sales. Click the filter button and tick exclude owned. Also has many other filter options there for you.
    Yeah, someone already told me that in the past, but that just doesn't solve the problem, or just a little part of it.
    Doing this excludes the games I own, but you can imagine it's only a small percentage of what's proposed. And forgot about the easy reading as you can't change how you'd like the list to be viewed. With my owned games put aside, I still have EIGHT pages...........

    TA should really create a Steam-like filter allowing to mark games as 'not interested', so they won't appear in the future sales.
  • Posted on 14 April 20 at 11:21
    Where’s the “Nothing for me this week” comments?

    They’re the people you see on Facebook posting pictures of their Food they’re about to eat for their evening meal.
  • Rossco7530Rossco75302,292,311
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 11:22
    Scottish Nutter said:
    Again no love for the Bus Drivers who want Bus Simulator on sale.
    As someone who has to use public transport to get to and from work, all hail the bus drivers who are still working during these strange times! toast

    Also, c'mon (a good) sale for Bus Simulator!!!
  • FaSCoRPFaSCoRP775,617
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 11:41
    Dark crystals looks interesting but maybe on GP soon?
    Dark Crystals it is VERY repetitive. Think about something like Gauntlet but in perspective view. It supports 4 player local co-op but sadly the cheevos go for the player that starts the game. It is too grindy (finish the story in all the difficulty levels). My coop players got bored of it before finishing the story on normal so I am still trying to finish it alone from time to time and level up.
    It is fun in short bursts. Decent for its price
  • Unpredictable DUnpredictable D1,308,659
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 11:59, Edited on 14 April 20 at 12:53 by Unpredictable D
    nice sale
    "I'm proud of you Sheldon" "yeah, I'm proud of me too" - lol
  • Posted on 14 April 20 at 13:09
    Glass Masquerade for me. Looks like something relaxing after a long day of work.
    Don't bro me if you don't know me.
  • Eva LiEva Li283,091
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 13:27
    TOKI is mine!

    I would love to pick also many other Retro titles like Contra and Castlevania collection.
  • TenFootBunnyTenFootBunny294,964
    Posted on 14 April 20 at 17:27
    Rossco7530 said:
    Scottish Nutter said:
    Again no love for the Bus Drivers who want Bus Simulator on sale.
    As someone who has to use public transport to get to and from work, all hail the bus drivers who are still working during these strange times! toast

    Also, c'mon (a good) sale for Bus Simulator!!!
    I'm still waiting on a Bus Simulator sale too! laugh Though I will say that Car Mechanic Simulator is a blast, and I'm glad I picked it up last week. It's great for playing in short bursts when I need a five- to ten-minute mental break during the day.
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