The Bargain Bin

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A huge Xbox sale has just gone live on the Microsoft Store — here's everything on offer

  • Joe FixxitJoe Fixxit160,315
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:00
    Vanstrom336 said:
    It's kind of crazy how expensive Resident Evil 7's DLC stays during any sale. It's the only thing left I need to finish my Resident Evil collection for the One.
    Is the DLC in RE7 worth it at $25 for the gold edition vs. $10 for the basic version?
  • JullianGGJullianGG996,321
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:08
    First Sale for One Piece Pirate Warriors 👀
  • Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:09
    I hoped alot more Indie games was on sale
  • Vanstrom336Vanstrom3361,079,763
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:11
    Joe Fixxit said:
    Vanstrom336 said:
    It's kind of crazy how expensive Resident Evil 7's DLC stays during any sale. It's the only thing left I need to finish my Resident Evil collection for the One.
    Is the DLC in RE7 worth it at $25 for the gold edition vs. $10 for the basic version?
    Sorry, I can't speak to the quality of the DLC as I haven't played any of it yet (been waiting for it to drop in price more than it usually does during sales before I buy it). However, what I can say is after watching it go on sale time and time again, if you don't own the game or the DLC, $25 is probably worth it for the bundle. Just the DLC alone right now is $22 or so and I don't think I've seen it cheaper, so a few more dollars to also get the game seems nice. I thought the base game of RE7 was really good. It got me back into the horror genre.
  • ChuiChui793,255 793,255 GamerScore
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:17
    Joe Fixxit said:
    Vanstrom336 said:
    It's kind of crazy how expensive Resident Evil 7's DLC stays during any sale. It's the only thing left I need to finish my Resident Evil collection for the One.
    Is the DLC in RE7 worth it at $25 for the gold edition vs. $10 for the basic version?
    DLC was okay imo, End of Zoe was hilariously fun. 21 is a nightmare for completion though because it's a lot of luck.

    Can someone clarify Hitman 2 for me, that bundle does not include all of the map packs from what I see so which additional DLC would I need to buy? much appreciated.
  • Singularity69Singularity691,688,497
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:24
    The Elder Scrolls Online bundle for £5.99 lists 'Morrowind' and 'Wolfhunter' as part of the package. The Xbox Live purchase link only contains 'Morrowind'. Is there another bundle?
  • Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:27
    Is Forza 4 expansion worth $25? What about vip and the rest of the stuff? I want all the perks outside the main game!
  • GepardsGepards192,451
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:29
    hoooold myyy waaaalleeettt!!....
    Thanks, guys!
  • ViniBTViniBT533,586
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:33
    It seems this is the lowest price for Hellblade to date.
    Seems good at 65% off.
  • Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:34, Edited on 04 June 20 at 18:53 by WhySoSeri0usXxX
    Big sale, but mosty the same games and prices every year...
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,702,914
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:51
    VGM 007 said:
    Maybe this is an impromptu sale to counter the Days of Play sale on Playstation? A good portion of these could also be set by the publishers so they're likely to be on sale on all platforms.
    It's more than likely (Along with the "Days of Play" the typical E3-related sale, which in a non-coronavirus world would have seen publishers start having their press conferences this weekend prior to the convention floor opening this upcoming Tuesday). Just because there's no convention to be held doesn't mean the contracts for sales, and expected associated revenue, were going to disappear.
  • varkylfusvarkylfus240,109
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:51
    Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition is missing the "Super Ultra Dead Rising 3' Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX + α" dlc.

    When was the last time that dlc was on sale?
  • SeitzzSeitzz1,160,907
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 18:58
    Nothing doing on this sale for me despite the selection.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 04 June 20 at 19:11
    I dno why imi often getting surprised how bad these “sales” are. Many of these prizes would even for a “normal” prize be considered as high. But hey if anyone gets anything out of this, i guess it’s fine.

    Money saved on my side wink
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  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 04 June 20 at 19:12
    Decent sale for me. I grabbed:
    Xbox - Quantum Break
    Xbox - Sunset Overdrive
    Xbox - Dead Rising 4 Deluxe
    PC - Recore
    PC - Sunset Overdrive

    I wish X360 was taken into account when it comes to the sale. Still plenty of stuff to buy.
  • justoneunclejustoneuncle757,615
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 19:15
    I'm offended that Microsoft did not delay this sale in honor of George Floyd.
  • Posted on 04 June 20 at 19:23
    Such a huge sale with nothing really amazing on sale at the same time
  • DrSchlepensteinDrSchlepenstein1,053,784
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 20:03
    LEGO Incredibles at $15 and the LEGO DC Villains DLC is $5, picking both of those up.

    Might finally pick up the AC: Odyssey Ultimate bundle since it's $30 now. Even though I am still 2 AC games behind that.
  • AlterPredAlterPred1,165,032
    Posted on 04 June 20 at 20:07
    Joe Fixxit said:
    Vanstrom336 said:
    It's kind of crazy how expensive Resident Evil 7's DLC stays during any sale. It's the only thing left I need to finish my Resident Evil collection for the One.
    Is the DLC in RE7 worth it at $25 for the gold edition vs. $10 for the basic version?
    I don't know if its worth it, but like others have said it really doesn't drop below these prices, I paid the $25 maybe 2 years ago.

    Jack's Bday and 21 are solid mini-game modes. Nightmare and Ethan Must Die were fun and challenging. Bedroom was pointless but quick. Daughters served as a prologue to the main story and End of Zoe was the epilogue.
  • Posted on 04 June 20 at 20:15
    Bravo, they put Halo Wars 2 on sale, but not the Complete Edition....the waiting continues
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