Game Discussion: Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops (Windows)

Achievements Show in Game, Not on Xbox

    Posted on 12 July 20 at 16:50
    So I have two achievements that are showing as unlocked in game and not on Xbox.

    Completing operation 2 and 2,000 kills.

    Anyone have some ideas as to what I could do to force these to unlock? I have the game on a different laptop, could doing it on there force them to pop?

    Thanks in advance.
    ~Live Long and Prosper~
    Posted on 30 July 20 at 00:14
    Just to follow up and close this out:

    Not sure what happened but when I loaded the game up on another device and did the achievements they unlocked.
    ~Live Long and Prosper~
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 17 January 21 at 14:16
    Just to inform you when you play at nighttime windows goes into a non notification setting and might lose connectiom to live in the back ground.

    Since I did play in the night and none of yhe achievements unlocked but luckily i had made a backup from when i grinded out the 3m Command Points so completing the 3op and getting the chicken kills wasnt that tedious
    Weirdflex: #1 0'13"25 Boulder Harbour A track in Truck Racer
  • Kyotic GBabyKyotic GBaby2,167,592
    Posted on 27 January 21 at 02:32
    what is another device to load on? just noticed my last 3 achievements didnt pop on xbox live but they did in game. Im currently playing on my windows 10 pc
    Life is to short too worry about tomorrow so GAME TODAY.
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