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Xbox One Sale Roundup: September 1st, 2020

  • atryeu1atryeu1503,581
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 01:15
    derektwopointoh said:
    Am I the only one who doesn’t like the 360 games being mixed in? I know they’re backwards compatible and they merged the Xbox store. But I think they should still be separated. It could get confusing with some games being on both platforms. Plus it could give people the impression that a game is an Xbox One title when it never was. Just my two cents.
    I don't either. I don't have a Xbox One and can't get one due to internet restrictions. All I want to see are 360 without having to go on a treasure hunt each week :(

    Are these tied to the Xbox One store then so I cannot buy them from my 360 console? I haven't seen the sale yet, I don't want to dig through it right now and see if there's anything there, but for future reference I'd like to know....
  • Posted on 01 September 20 at 02:25
    atryeu1 said:
    derektwopointoh said:
    Am I the only one who doesn’t like the 360 games being mixed in? I know they’re backwards compatible and they merged the Xbox store. But I think they should still be separated. It could get confusing with some games being on both platforms. Plus it could give people the impression that a game is an Xbox One title when it never was. Just my two cents.
    I don't either. I don't have a Xbox One and can't get one due to internet restrictions. All I want to see are 360 without having to go on a treasure hunt each week :(

    Are these tied to the Xbox One store then so I cannot buy them from my 360 console? I haven't seen the sale yet, I don't want to dig through it right now and see if there's anything there, but for future reference I'd like to know....
    Just be patient. Offers on Xbox Marketplace (the 360 ones) took more time to show (they start them latter than the ones for One), plus: offers of 360 itens that was showed mixed with One's are all for BC iten's - or at least something MS messed around and will be(?) in the future, then it make some sense.

    what i don't got was your limitatation. XB1 can have larger games and download more sometimes, but you always can keep it offline to avoid it if you suffer with data caps, bad connections and this kind of shit...
  • MrZombieChickenMrZombieChicken1,644,656
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 02:31
    spankyNspronkle said:
    That Indie Shmup Bundle from eastasiasoft is nice!

    3 one hour completions for $7!
    I think you're seeing things.
    This space for rent.
  • atryeu1atryeu1503,581
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 02:37
    Andre Alexandr said:
    atryeu1 said:
    derektwopointoh said:
    Am I the only one who doesn’t like the 360 games being mixed in? I know they’re backwards compatible and they merged the Xbox store. But I think they should still be separated. It could get confusing with some games being on both platforms. Plus it could give people the impression that a game is an Xbox One title when it never was. Just my two cents.
    I don't either. I don't have a Xbox One and can't get one due to internet restrictions. All I want to see are 360 without having to go on a treasure hunt each week :(

    Are these tied to the Xbox One store then so I cannot buy them from my 360 console? I haven't seen the sale yet, I don't want to dig through it right now and see if there's anything there, but for future reference I'd like to know....
    Just be patient. Offers on Xbox Marketplace (the 360 ones) took more time to show (they start them latter than the ones for One), plus: offers of 360 itens that was showed mixed with One's are all for BC iten's - or at least something MS messed around and will be(?) in the future, then it make some sense.

    what i don't got was your limitatation. XB1 can have larger games and download more sometimes, but you always can keep it offline to avoid it if you suffer with data caps, bad connections and this kind of shit...
    Last week not all the 360 games seemed to be listed though. The X1 filter still showed some DLC or something for 360 on sale that isn't in the 360 filter.

    As for the limitations I'm on satellite with a tiny monthly bandwidth limit. It was 10gb/month but I recently was able to upgrade to 60gb/month. Most newer games are still too big for that limit. I know of a couple games that are over 100gb. Even if I buy on disc (which I prefer) most require a massive download to play anymore either way. More than just the Xbox uses the internet though so the entire month's limit can't be blown on that.
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,148,384
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 02:41
    Inspector 74 said:
    Why dont they rename this to the 'every single week Ubisoft and the same shit from them'
    Why would anyone pay full wack for a ubisoft game when you know its gonna be in the sale quicker than you say, Ubisoft havent done a decent game in ears and years Valhala looks trash!!!!
    Even if you're wrong, you're entitled to your opinion.
  • XI AlphaMale IXXI AlphaMale IX1,168,213
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 02:48
    Are you all saying "boo" or "Boo-urns?"
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:09
    £5.99 for Fifa 20.... I'd wait for a better sale. It's base value is probably about 99 pence.
  • egian96egian96151,281
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:15
    why no discount for Far Cry Instincts Predator??
  • PerberosPerberos159,708
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:20
    -5% shock
  • Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:32
    So if I buy the Hitman GOTY bundle, does that give me the legacy levels for Hitman 2?
    #1 Resident Evil Fan.
  • surewowsurewow1,569,294
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,136
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:49
    derektwopointoh said:
    Am I the only one who doesn’t like the 360 games being mixed in? I know they’re backwards compatible and they merged the Xbox store. But I think they should still be separated. It could get confusing with some games being on both platforms. Plus it could give people the impression that a game is an Xbox One title when it never was. Just my two cents.
    Yup, having the 360 games mixed in is horrible. 🤮
  • Posted on 01 September 20 at 03:55
    Got Rememoried. A 5 minute completion for $4
  • Matodion 1stMatodion 1st730,093
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 04:29
    OG Xbox version of Splinter Cell Double Agent is on sale. I highly recommend this version over the 360's considering the OG plays just like Chaos Theory compared to the crappy 360 version made by Ubisoft Shanghai that played like an inbalanced tech demo.
  • The S bot 9000The S bot 90001,105,826
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 05:25, Edited on 01 September 20 at 05:27 by The S bot 9000
    “Gears of War: Judgment:
    • Anya Stroud Multiplayer Character

    Discount: -5%”laugh

    Trials seems to be on a very good deal currently. Prolly gonna pick up HD and Fusion

    Edit: Seems alot of the dlc is at -5% discounts. Intriguing lol
  • MrFlores42MrFlores42281,533
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 05:31
    I might be wrong, but I believe this -5% thing is because these DLCs were not yet listed on the Xbox One store.
  • eayragteayragt422,608
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 05:38
    IceBlazeWinters said:
    can we NOT put 360 games and xbox one games into the same fucking category?
    I guess it depends how nicely you ask the site developers...
    Say everything with a smile
  • J2B9J2B91,255,182
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 05:41
    Agnt Washintub said:
    How is AC Rogue Remastered still £12.49 when it says 67% off, but its the same price it usually is when its 50% off?
    Because it's 67% off in the US at $9.89.
    So it must just be 50% for other places it's just the percent listed doesn't change

    Dark Death 90 said:
    So if I buy the Hitman GOTY bundle, does that give me the legacy levels for Hitman 2?
    Yeah it shows the legacy levels listed as included.
  • Iggsy81Iggsy81834,279
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 06:12
    When i go to buy Scrabble it says it's not currently available?
  • conn311conn311979,919
    Posted on 01 September 20 at 06:30
    spankyNspronkle said:
    That Indie Shmup Bundle from eastasiasoft is nice!

    3 one hour completions for $7!
    What does shmup mean?
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