atryeu1 said:derektwopointoh said:Am I the only one who doesn’t like the 360 games being mixed in? I know they’re backwards compatible and they merged the Xbox store. But I think they should still be separated. It could get confusing with some games being on both platforms. Plus it could give people the impression that a game is an Xbox One title when it never was. Just my two cents.
I don't either. I don't have a Xbox One and can't get one due to internet restrictions. All I want to see are 360 without having to go on a treasure hunt each week :(
Are these tied to the Xbox One store then so I cannot buy them from my 360 console? I haven't seen the sale yet, I don't want to dig through it right now and see if there's anything there, but for future reference I'd like to know....
Just be patient. Offers on Xbox Marketplace (the 360 ones) took more time to show (they start them latter than the ones for One), plus: offers of 360 itens that was showed mixed with One's are all for BC iten's - or at least something MS messed around and will be(?) in the future, then it make some sense.
what i don't got was your limitatation. XB1 can have larger games and download more sometimes, but you always can keep it offline to avoid it if you suffer with data caps, bad connections and this kind of shit...