The Bargain Bin

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Xbox Sale Roundup: March 30th, 2021

  • EveryBaseEveryBase647,971
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 00:46, Edited on 30 March 21 at 00:47 by EveryBase
    The Cherished said:
    Brave Tanuki said:
    Well... sure wish I waited before picking up Yooka-Laylee. That's an insanely well-priced bundle.
    For real! That justified this entire week in my book.
    Hold off a day or so Yooka Laylee might be April's GWG
  • MrZombieChickenMrZombieChicken1,639,725
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 00:46
    So much awfulness!
    This space for rent.
  • EurydaceEurydace658,596
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 00:47
    Damn, was really hoping Assassin's Creed would go on sale.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:04
    Pig eat ball. Dialogue between two Troglodytes?
  • The CherishedThe Cherished2,668,986
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:05
    SheBeatsYou said:
    Hold off a day or so Yooka Laylee might be April's GWG
    I can definitely do that, thanks for the heads up!
  • EveryBaseEveryBase647,971
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:09
    The Cherished said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    Hold off a day or so Yooka Laylee might be April's GWG
    I can definitely do that, thanks for the heads up!
    Just have a hunch why would they wait so long to announce the GWG unless one of the games is in this sale.
  • xPut Name HerexxPut Name Herex1,702,894
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:14, Edited on 30 March 21 at 01:15 by xPut Name Herex
    SheBeatsYou said:
    The Cherished said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    Hold off a day or so Yooka Laylee might be April's GWG
    I can definitely do that, thanks for the heads up!
    Just have a hunch why would they wait so long to announce the GWG unless one of the games is in this sale.
    They frequently wait to announce GwG on the last Tuesday of the month, regardless of when that falls.
  • SeitzzSeitzz1,160,907
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:28
    Surely it's not long til the spring sale...Was nice to see GoNNER for only $2, I'd had my alert set for $4. It's time to add that to the library.
  • EveryBaseEveryBase647,971
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:30
    xPut Name Herex said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    The Cherished said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    Hold off a day or so Yooka Laylee might be April's GWG
    I can definitely do that, thanks for the heads up!
    Just have a hunch why would they wait so long to announce the GWG unless one of the games is in this sale.
    They frequently wait to announce GwG on the last Tuesday of the month, regardless of when that falls.
    I think the last few were announced much earlier I dunno. Guess well see tomm toast
  • the enskithe enski499,450
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:35
    Would be great if someone would do/have some 100% guide for Night Callroll

    I think I'll get Yooka-Laylee. I started like one and half year ago and stopped with just 30 G. I saw there's some YouTube guides, so if I'd struggle with something then I can use it to solve it out.
  • iTz Canada EhhiTz Canada Ehh1,400,733
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 01:41
    Wow that Yooka Laylee bundle is unreal. I have Yooka Laylee already, but The Impossible Lair thrown in there for $15 total? I guess I'll have a physical copy of Yooka Laylee to get rid of laugh
  • pukem0nnpukem0nn369,296
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 02:24
    Nice, got almost the whole Deponia collection done. All of them were 1.29 at some point, only Doomsday missing.
  • imaidiot19imaidiot192,307,070
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 02:26
    You can tell it is less than a week before the spring sales. They are coming up Wednesday or Thursday.
    Yes, I know I am.
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,282,830
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 03:30
    Eurydace said:
    Damn, was really hoping Assassin's Creed would go on sale.
  • AbyssalOrc33AbyssalOrc33676,773
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 04:34
    Well nothing right now I want. Some stuff will probably be posted later.
  • iNaiaRiNaiaR150,132
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 05:19
    Hopefully the spring sale has some good stuff (plus 360 BC games that haven’t been on sale before/in a while).
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 06:53
    Really Enjoyed Five Dates. Would recommend to give it a go.
  • C64 MatC64 Mat2,163,259
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 06:55
    Matodion 1st said:
    agunZagun said:
    Eh, we're getting a Spring Sale this friday and I wasn't expecting much anyways.
    Kinda weird that the sale starts on Good Friday.
    Not when it's the Easter sale 😊
    "I gotta be honest, entering a bunch of 25 character codes to have gear spit out of the magic box kinda sucks" - Rista B
  • ItsOnoMichioItsOnoMichio2,491,523
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 07:18
    DO NOT buy Woodle Tree 2. It's incredibly buggy and broken and the dev gives zero shits about it. You have been warned.
    I came here to eat donuts and drink coffee... and I'm all out of donuts.
  • Matodion 1stMatodion 1st728,293
    Posted on 30 March 21 at 07:32
    C64 Mat said:
    Matodion 1st said:
    agunZagun said:
    Eh, we're getting a Spring Sale this friday and I wasn't expecting much anyways.
    Kinda weird that the sale starts on Good Friday.
    Not when it's the Easter sale 😊
    Easter is the Happy part of Holy Week while Good Friday like the mourning part, its like getting a sales notice while sitting shiva.
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