The Game Information Submissions system allows you to submit a number of types of information with great ease:
- General Game Information (release dates, game titles and tiles, official site and more)
- Genre Information
- Achievement Flags
Please make sure to check the threads for the game you want to submit information for so that duplicate submissions are not received and to avoid suggested changes that have not been made previously for any reasonAchievement tiles and secret achievements can still be submitted by following the instructions in their current threads which are located within this board:
Updated Secret AchievementsGames With Missing Achievement TilesIf you want to submit information for a game or for a DLC item, please click on this image which can be found on the game page underneath the game image or the DLC image.You will now find yourself on a page where you can submit either general game information or genre information for the main game and general DLC information for DLC items. There are various options here along with a notes box so you can provide additional information or sources for your suggestions.
If it is flag suggestions that you want to submit then click the link at the top of the page as directed and you will then be redirected to the achievement flag submissions page. Depending on whether the game is already flagged or not, you will be presented with one of two options:
- A grid with checkboxes for the achievements
- An achievement list with the current flags
As you may already have gathered, the grid is for when a game is unflagged so that you can add multiple flags suggestions at once with ease. There is also a notes box at the bottom in case there is anything important to note regarding your suggestions.
The other is for when the game is already flagged and just a few suggestions may be needed. With this view, you just check the box for the achievement which will then provide you with a notes box for your suggested flag change and reasoning.
Flag changes can only be suggested by people who have won the achievement(s) in question, if you make flagging suggestions for a game that hasn't been flagged then we only accept them if you make the suggestions for all achievements in the game. We want to add every relevant flag for each achievement so this means that every achievement should have two flags (unless unobtainable or discontinued), one to show whether it is online, online/offline, offline only and one to show which mode it can be obtained in: single player, co-op or versus. Many will have more than just those two types.
A full list of flags including descriptions can be found here:
Note: You can see which games you have on your own list that are unflagged by going to My Achievements and choosing "Unflagged" from the achievement type dropdown filter.When you are happy with your suggestion, you can submit it by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. This will then create a thread in the forum showing the details of your submission ready to be handled by the Game Information team.
To confirm, there are three types of submission: general game information, genre information and flag information.You can submit both general game information and genre information suggestions on the same form as you can probably see but it will create different threads to help keep threads clear and easy to follow.
The created thread will automatically be added to "My Threads" for you to track it easily and you can use the dropdown in the board to select the game you have submitted or want to submit information for and check threads from there as well.
Again, please make sure to check the threads for your game before submitting a suggestion to make sure it hasn't already been suggested or the suggested change has not been made for a specific reason previously.
Once your submission has been handled by the Game Information team, it will then be moved to
the archive. Any subsequent submissions will pull this thread out of the archive automatically along with previous discussion.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the process then please feel free to post in this thread.Enough with the talking...enjoy the system!