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Multiple E3 Xbox game demos playable this week [updated]

  • lethelerrorlethelerror868,168
    Posted on 08 June 21 at 17:07
    sable reminds me of pod racers
  • EveryBaseEveryBase649,963
    Posted on 08 June 21 at 17:22
    Sable looks promising. Kinda reminds me of Journey which was one of my favorite Indies of the 7th Gen so I will keep that on my radar.
  • Posted on 08 June 21 at 17:26
    Deathtrap Dungeon: The Golden Room looks like it will be good
  • foodfood149,651
    Posted on 08 June 21 at 17:57
    Sable looks good, I had no idea Japanese Breakfast is doing the soundtrack. She's great!
  • Ultramarine360Ultramarine3601,504,138
    Posted on 08 June 21 at 23:23, Edited on 08 June 21 at 23:23 by Ultramarine360
    Deathtrap dungeon sounds like those multiple choice adventures books you used to get as a kid. Go down the ladder or break the lock on the wooden door . Go down the ladder.....turn to page 52.

    Page 52
    You shoulder your item bag and decide to take the ladder, leaving the locked wooden door behind. You descend into the darkness, struggling to find your footing in then pitch black darkness of the seemingly never ending abyss below. Noises all around you tell you that you are not alone. Some of the rungs on the ladder begin to feel sticky, an aroma of death wafts from below. You step down again, but as you do the rung snaps and catches you off balance, falling into darkness. You land hard, hearing some of your health potions smash in your item bag. Worse, as you begin to move you see a bone poking from beneath your light armoured leather on your left shin. The pain turns to dread as you look up to see piercing red eyes gleaming through the darkness.

    Try to fight... turn to page 167

    Try to run turn to page 23
    Daniel Jackson/ultramarine360
  • Posted on 08 June 21 at 23:23
    Love hearing more about Sable, well excited for that
    Posted on 09 June 21 at 06:20
    Ultramarine360 said:
    Deathtrap dungeon sounds like those multiple choice adventures books you used to get as a kid. Go down the ladder or break the lock on the wooden door . Go down the ladder.....turn to page 52.

    Page 52
    You shoulder your item bag and decide to take the ladder, leaving the locked wooden door behind. You descend into the darkness, struggling to find your footing in then pitch black darkness of the seemingly never ending abyss below. Noises all around you tell you that you are not alone. Some of the rungs on the ladder begin to feel sticky, an aroma of death wafts from below. You step down again, but as you do the rung snaps and catches you off balance, falling into darkness. You land hard, hearing some of your health potions smash in your item bag. Worse, as you begin to move you see a bone poking from beneath your light armoured leather on your left shin. The pain turns to dread as you look up to see piercing red eyes gleaming through the darkness.

    Try to fight... turn to page 167

    Try to run turn to page 23
    Probably dead either way, so I'm going down swinging - page 167
  • SkinfasstSkinfasst513,872
    Posted on 09 June 21 at 06:51
    Ultramarine360 said:
    Deathtrap dungeon sounds like those multiple choice adventures books you used to get as a kid. Go down the ladder or break the lock on the wooden door . Go down the ladder.....turn to page 52.

    Page 52
    You shoulder your item bag and decide to take the ladder, leaving the locked wooden door behind. You descend into the darkness, struggling to find your footing in then pitch black darkness of the seemingly never ending abyss below. Noises all around you tell you that you are not alone. Some of the rungs on the ladder begin to feel sticky, an aroma of death wafts from below. You step down again, but as you do the rung snaps and catches you off balance, falling into darkness. You land hard, hearing some of your health potions smash in your item bag. Worse, as you begin to move you see a bone poking from beneath your light armoured leather on your left shin. The pain turns to dread as you look up to see piercing red eyes gleaming through the darkness.

    Try to fight... turn to page 167

    Try to run turn to page 23
    Well yeah of course it sounds like one of those books because that's what it is based on.
  • Ultramarine360Ultramarine3601,504,138
    Posted on 10 June 21 at 00:34
    Let me know if you'd like page 167 to become a reality
    Daniel Jackson/ultramarine360
  • KrazieKrazie4,898,184
    Posted on 10 June 21 at 19:52
    Tunic babyyyy

  • billbillbillbillbillbill1,470,548
    Posted on 10 June 21 at 20:19, Edited on 10 June 21 at 20:20 by billbillbill
    I know it was inspired by the pandemic and no show-floor, but the digital demos from last year was one of my favourite parts of E3. Looking forward to it returning

    EDIT: Sable, Tunic, Lake, Echo Generation? Yeeeeeas plz!
    Posted on 10 June 21 at 20:35
    Krazie said:
    Tunic babyyyy

    hell yeah
    [url=] [img][/img][/url] For all your importing gaming needs.
  • The NotoThe Noto757,939
    Posted on 10 June 21 at 20:38
    Finally a sample of Tunic. Nice!
    Posted on 11 June 21 at 15:41
    Leap Frog 2017 - 4x 6.4+ Ratio!! (Croaked on Day 29) --
  • GoyetteQCGoyetteQC1,465,050
    Posted on 11 June 21 at 16:03
    I'm assuming Tunic is the same demo as the one from december?
    Will you love me when there's nothing left to love?
  • APOPHIS1989APOPHIS19891,091,527
    Posted on 11 June 21 at 19:15, Edited on 11 June 21 at 19:30 by APOPHIS1989
    Six of them are available now, just search the MS store for SGDemo to find them!
  • APOPHIS1989APOPHIS19891,091,527
    Posted on 11 June 21 at 20:41
    IGN has confirmed that the Tunic demo is a new one.
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