The Bargain Bin

Forum for discussing where to pick up cheap deals

Xbox Deals Unlocked 2021 sale is now live, offering discounts on over 500 games

  • TymanTheLongTymanTheLong567,847
    Posted on 13 June 21 at 04:09
    I mean I know everyone around here already owns everything (and probably haven’t played most of it like any gamer who constantly haunts sales), but there’s actually some standout deals here for anyone that doesn’t own a lot of games. Torchlight 2 is a great game (don’t get 3, it’s free on Gamepass and it’s a different developer and is not good), Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate, Titanfall 2 Ultimate, Tomb Raider, etc. all extremely cheap. There’s a dozen more AAA games from back near XBox One launch that are the same.

    There’s also some indies that aren’t too bad.

    Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate is also as cheap as its ever been.

    All in all there’s not much I want (I don’t buy games I’m not immediately going to play the second they’re done downloading anymore) but that doesn’t mean there aren’t great deals, especially for anyone new to XBox.
  • EazyE2285EazyE22851,142,025
    Posted on 13 June 21 at 05:14
    Thought maybe my notifications were broken as my wish list is massive. Nope just not a single piece of content on sale from it. Out of 500 (didnt seem like it scrolling through though) items. Yet another MS let down
  • gothmogesgothmoges823,316
    Posted on 13 June 21 at 08:12
    Maybe worth to note that FH4 Ultimate addon pack includes also a bunch of dlc's: Car Pass, VIP Membership, Formula Drift Car Pack, Best of Bond Car Pack.

    They are not achievement related, but just in case someone cares for those, it adds some value.
  • notoriousJMZnotoriousJMZ652,559
    Posted on 13 June 21 at 12:33
    Picked up Control UE and Immortals: FR but none are registering on the sale punchcard shock
  • Posted on 13 June 21 at 13:03
    The only thing I think of now when I quickly browse these big "sales" is that it is only done to show that game pass is a must have
  • GT3OptionFanGT3OptionFan350,429
    Posted on 13 June 21 at 18:20
    360 sales info:

    AT previous best:
    - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
    - Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
    - Silent Hill HD Collection

    HIGHER THAN previous best:
    - Castlevania Harmony of Despair ($4.94, pb $3.74 4/12/19)
    - Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 (9.99, pb 7.99 6/7/18)
    - Fallout 3 ($7.49, pb $4.49 10/20/20)
    - Fallout: New Vegas ($7.49, pb $4.49 10/20/20)
    - Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (9.99, pb $4.99 4/28/20)
    - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (7.49, pb 4.49 6/5/20)
    - RAGE (7.49, pb 3.74 8/22/17)
    - Skate 3 ($3.99, pb $2.99 5/11/21)
  • Blue RadiumBlue Radium1,757,246
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 05:31
    GT3OptionFan said:
    AT previous best:
    - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
    - Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
    - Silent Hill HD Collection

    HIGHER THAN previous best:
    - Castlevania Harmony of Despair ($4.94, pb $3.74 4/12/19)
    - Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 (9.99, pb 7.99 6/7/18)
    - Fallout 3 ($7.49, pb $4.49 10/20/20)
    - Fallout: New Vegas ($7.49, pb $4.49 10/20/20)
    - Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (9.99, pb $4.99 4/28/20)
    - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (7.49, pb 4.49 6/5/20)
    - RAGE (7.49, pb 3.74 8/22/17)
    - Skate 3 ($3.99, pb $2.99 5/11/21)
    Well that summarizes how actually lame the sale is. Appreciate it!
  • EI BikerboyEI Bikerboy562,878
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 07:33
    Picked up King's Quest collection for the nostalgia,

    used to play all those Sierra games back in the day :)
  • EthigyEthigy1,412,553
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 17:45
    Definitely gonna pick up a few of these.
  • MagicalChildMagicalChild1,347,042
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 20:06
    KANEFAN84 said:
    Wish they would have one final massive non backwards compatible 360 sale including all their digital library and loadsss of dlc. I would probably max out my credit card.
    I'd be so in on that! claplaugh
    I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer. I have lots of lives!
  • Bobby Blane3Bobby Blane3865,814
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 20:12
    Can anyone tell me, do I get all Hitman Gold edition content through the Expansion pass? Or would I need to buy the Gold edition to get everything?
  • scotwolf2scotwolf22,541,284
    Posted on 14 June 21 at 22:58
    notoriousJMZ said:
    Picked up Control UE and Immortals: FR but none are registering on the sale punchcard shock
    Yep same here spent the money 48hs ago still not registered.
    I'm hoping delay like last time took nearly a week.
    I'm thinking I'm not starting the games I've purchased can get refund if grumpy with MS enough.
  • Osmo76Osmo761,994,524
    Posted on 16 June 21 at 07:51
    I kinda want to get Far Cry 3 Classic Edition but since I just got the Original FC3 and haven't even touched it, I guess I will steer clear of this.
  • bloodlands 666bloodlands 6661,869,600
    Posted on 16 June 21 at 19:38
    Spend 30 quest is broken again probly spent more than that says 5 pounds
  • scotwolf2scotwolf22,541,284
    Posted on 17 June 21 at 00:05
    Just a wee update the spend £30 get 4000 points quest updated today.
    So seems just the usual delay.
    Took about a week last time,
    This offer only took 4 days, so improving 😂
    I always fear the worst

    Stay safe take care all
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