The Bargain Bin

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Xbox sale round-up: July 6th, 2021

  • Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:20
    WRC9 at £3.19 again is a very good deal if you're a racing game fan.

    Half a chance it could be GWG in the next couple of months though.
    Grand Slam Tennis 2 world #1
  • BasileusBasileus410,316
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:24
    I had a lot of fun with Warhammer 40.000 Martyr. I recommend it for everyone who is interested in a Diablo-Clone in this setting.
  • Sensei NeoSensei Neo1,754,651
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:35
    Nothing for me this time
  • Reina WattReina Watt795,879
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:35
    Shantae And The Seven Sirens is a tempting purchase as soon as I can afford to, I'm expecting to receive a gift card this week so might be able to pick the game up.
    Why get a life when as a gamer you live more lives than you can manage
  • Johnny SinisterJohnny Sinister2,217,407
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:35
    I think I will pick up Clan N and Funtime this week.

    Pretty good sale on Earth Atlantis if you like side scrolling shoot 'em ups.
  • BasileusBasileus410,316
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 08:43
    GR34TD3STR0Y3R said:
    Is the sinking city on sale the Series X version? Isn't there two different versions now? If you click on it, it shows a Xbox One box, but the MS store says it works on Series X but does not indicate it Enchanted for Series X.
    I think it's the Xbox One-version.
    There has been quite a contoversy and also some legal battles between the devs and the publisher.
  • GR34TD3STR0Y3RGR34TD3STR0Y3R1,321,222
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:03
    Basileus said:
    GR34TD3STR0Y3R said:
    Is the sinking city on sale the Series X version? Isn't there two different versions now? If you click on it, it shows a Xbox One box, but the MS store says it works on Series X but does not indicate it Enchanted for Series X.
    I think it's the Xbox One-version.
    There has been quite a controversy and also some legal battles between the devs and the publisher.
    Yeah, I know. I raced to buy the Xbox one disc when I heard they stopped making it due to legal troubles. But no one sold out. There are still a billion copies out there. I still have a sealed copy... I don't know what to do with it, becuyase I want to play the Series X version, also supposdiuly the devs are getting money from the Series X version,
    Cool story bro.
  • GameplatoGameplato175,569
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:11
    The Ju1ce said:
    Close to the Sun for $10 is tempting. That’s the lowest I’ve seen it.
    Cool atmosphere, decent game, burnt potential. Worth $9.99 in my book.
    — Gameplato
  • torrens7760torrens7760296,199
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:31
    Soma seems worth it, considering what I've seen from playthroughs?
    Cogito ergo sum.
  • SwearySeanSwearySean1,593,355
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:40
    What does the yellow circle with the white 'i' mean?
  • thatNoseyParkerthatNoseyParker2,008,091
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:50
    Outer Worlds but not Outer Worlds season pass, shame.

    But Aaero looks tempting at that price! Anyone who’s played it want to weigh in on a rough roadmap? Ie what difficulty to start on :)
  • Johnny SinisterJohnny Sinister2,217,407
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 09:59
    SwearySean said:
    What does the yellow circle with the white 'i' mean?
    It means that it is a deal with Gold, meaning you must have Xbox Gold account to get the deal price.
  • Posted on 06 July 21 at 10:26
    I think the decimal place for the Sims4 DLCs needs to move one to the left. warning
  • Zohan2099Zohan2099570,686
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 11:05
    Deponia Collection for $4 is a no brainer... Probably grab the Leisure Suit Larry game for $10, just for shits and giggles, and the nostalgia effect growing up playing the entire collection from Sierra Games.

    Man I wish they would remaster those old Sierra games... Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest, Gabriel Knight, Phantasmagoria.

    Good memories growing up!
  • Posted on 06 July 21 at 11:12
    ghostlymostly said:
    Pfew ... Assassin's Creed's back. I thought I missed it :)
    It's like an old friend checking in to say hi every few weeks, just in case....
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm667,361
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 11:47
    S0CIOPATH77 said:
    Hey, that's still a great deal anyway I agree. I was hoping maybe the Augmented will go on sale this Summer if not I'll pick it up the next time it's on sale! !
    I had a few dollars in my Microsoft Account from when I last cashed in rewards points. I had to use or lose them before the end of the month. Surge is close to the top of the list of games I want to play & are not already in my bloated backlog.
  • The CherishedThe Cherished2,674,593
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 11:47
    aUMi Polaris said:
    SheBeatsYou said:
    The Cherished said:
    Deponia Doomsday has one of the worst achievements I've ever seen.
    Share with the class
    Deponia Doomsday1001 JackalopesaUMi PolarisThe 1001 Jackalopes achievement in Deponia Doomsday worth 202 pointsCreate every jackalope and clone it.

    1001 Jackalopes

    It’s a 2-3 hour tedious grind. Mixing and matching 243 different combinations of things, where one missed combination could set you back to the beginning. You’ll almost certainly need to carefully follow a spreadsheet. Angelsk has a great guide on the site with the all important spreadsheet.
    Yeah, this one. I'm just too stupid to even understand the spreadsheet, it really feels like advanced math to me.

    Someone made a video on YouTube doing the entire thing that I was following along with because at least I could understand that, but then I lost my place and rage quit the game.

    Also another warning to anyone buying this bundle: the toothbrushing minigame in the second game may make you shatter a controller if you have rage issues.
  • Posted on 06 July 21 at 12:00
    GT3OptionFan said:
    PositiveDefinit said:
    GT3OptionFan said:
    360 historical sales data coming soon
    Thanks for the data. Can you tell me the last time Resident Evil 1 on the 360 was on sale?
    September 10th,2019 for 4.99
    Resident Evil 1 was on the 360????
  • Posted on 06 July 21 at 12:01
    Got my hopes up seeing the Outerworlds bundle on sale hoping to find the season pass in the dlc….nope. Damn you hopes!!!
  • R3f1CuLR3f1CuL1,295,566
    Posted on 06 July 21 at 12:09
    I'm here once again to implore you to get Soma.
    That's it, that's the post.
    So it goes...
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