Game Discussion: Coffeetime Crosswords


  • Posted on 21 July 21 at 21:18
    I know this game has been out for ages, but I'm looking for the answers to the puzzles. The images in the solutions have been removed. Also, if there's anyone still needing the online achievement, please let me know. Thanks.
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  • SlightlyEroticSlightlyErotic3,700,822
    Posted on 20 September 21 at 21:58
    I have spent months looking for the original answers, but due to file hosting issues etc the excel spreadsheet isnt online anymore, and the images are long dead.

    I have tried to reach out to the owners of the guide on x360a.

    This one:

    The only person who got back to me so far is K4rn4ge. They misunderstood what I was asking so just waiting for another reply. If anyone knows any of the content creators please ask them to check there messages.
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