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Xbox game releases — August 9th to 15th

  • RobboJDA96RobboJDA9619,255
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 10:37
    Next week sees a whopping 25 new games heading to the Xbox platform. Check them all out, read up on the achievements, and load up your wishlist here!

    Please click here to read the full story: Xbox game releases — August 9th to 15th
  • Posted on 08 August 21 at 10:58
    The Fishing Adventure description makes it seem that the United States and Hawaii aren’t together
  • Johnny SinisterJohnny Sinister2,215,077
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 11:22, Edited on 08 August 21 at 11:22 by Johnny Sinister
    When I saw that screenshot for Whisky Mafia, I thought I was looking at a screenshot for Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, lol.

    And these simulator games are getting ridiculous.

    Probably be interested in Cardaclysm though.
  • yamayamayaamaayamayamayaamaa1,291,161
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 11:22
    Black Book demo was amazing but I'm gonna have to wait for a deeper discount. Might pick up Cardaclysm though as I enjoyed that demo as well. toast
  • wolfsburgrazwolfsburgraz970,514
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 11:36
    Come on Lawn Mowing Simulator, let's see that price. clap
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,283,000
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 12:00
    blueriversbeast said:
    The Fishing Adventure description makes it seem that the United States and Hawaii aren’t together
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 08 August 21 at 13:24
    Never heard of "Foreclosed", but really digging its art style.
  • onidemon666onidemon666633,921
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 13:39
    Lawn Mowing simulator..........surely GOTY
  • KuniichaKuniicha914,034
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 15:09
    Johnny Sinister said:
    When I saw that screenshot for Whisky Mafia, I thought I was looking at a screenshot for Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, lol.
    Legit thought the same thing.
  • gavmanwv3gavmanwv32,097,769
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 16:13
    Johnny Sinister said:
    When I saw that screenshot for Whisky Mafia, I thought I was looking at a screenshot for Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, lol.

    And these simulator games are getting ridiculous.

    Probably be interested in Cardaclysm though.
    Johnny, if you think lawn mowing is unique, there is a power washing simulator on Steam. facepalm
  • Johnny SinisterJohnny Sinister2,215,077
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 16:43
    gavmanwv3 said:
    Johnny Sinister said:
    When I saw that screenshot for Whisky Mafia, I thought I was looking at a screenshot for Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, lol.

    And these simulator games are getting ridiculous.

    Probably be interested in Cardaclysm though.
    Johnny, if you think lawn mowing is unique, there is a power washing simulator on Steam. facepalm
    I believe it. My favorite up to this point was PC Building Simulator. Just waiting for 'Waiting for the grass to grow' and 'watching paint dry' simulators. But seriously though, I do like quirky games but not really a fan of simulation games.
  • atryeu1atryeu1503,524
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 17:37
    Lawn Mowing Simulator? Really? You can't just go outside and mow your lawn for real to get the full effect? Too many really weird sim games anymore it seems. Somebody above mentioned the Power Washing one and I've seen that also, along with something about running a Gas Station? Do people not have a life anymore to experience these kind of things first hand and they need to pay for a video game to learn how? LoL
  • TheIrishBeastTheIrishBeast2,191,554
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 17:45
    AAW looks incredible! First I’ve ever heard of it and am sold.
  • HolyHalfDeadHolyHalfDead827,299
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 18:32
    I do like these weekly lists. Could/should DLC releases be included?

    This week we have The Siege of Paris for Assassin's Creed Valhalla
    He's not a man. He's the holy Half-Dead who has seen the Underverse and returned with powers you can't imagine.
  • Posted on 08 August 21 at 19:24
    Let me guess, we are going to have a laundromat simulator next or a car wash simulator lol
  • MagicaL MarzMagicaL Marz636,654
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 20:20
    Tonight is going to be legen... wait for it... dary!
  • Johnny SinisterJohnny Sinister2,215,077
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 08 August 21 at 21:37, Edited on 08 August 21 at 21:38 by
    atryeu1 said:
    Lawn Mowing Simulator? Really? You can't just go outside and mow your lawn for real to get the full effect? Too many really weird sim games anymore it seems. Somebody above mentioned the Power Washing one and I've seen that also, along with something about running a Gas Station? Do people not have a life anymore to experience these kind of things first hand and they need to pay for a video game to learn how? LoL
    Best game by far is Soda Drinker Pro

    Sadly its long gone and delisted here is theist if you're interested Soda Drinker Pro Achievements
    Rainbow Dash best Pony
  • atryeu1atryeu1503,524
    Posted on 08 August 21 at 22:09
    Dutch x Monster said:
    atryeu1 said:
    Lawn Mowing Simulator? Really? You can't just go outside and mow your lawn for real to get the full effect? Too many really weird sim games anymore it seems. Somebody above mentioned the Power Washing one and I've seen that also, along with something about running a Gas Station? Do people not have a life anymore to experience these kind of things first hand and they need to pay for a video game to learn how? LoL
    Best game by far is Soda Drinker Pro

    Sadly its long gone and delisted here is theist if you're interested Soda Drinker Pro Achievements
    Haha, yeah, this is a good example of what I was just saying. What is even the point of these games? I like sim games too but there really should be a limit to them. In this case I will just go open my own soda and drink it for a first hand experience. Sadly it won't give me an achievement (although opening the can with an injured hand should be an achievement all by itself right now lol)
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