I really don't understand TA anymore. Why putting season passes in the 'Bundles' section?? Yes, okay, a bundle is several contents in one pack. But bundles should be considered as 'game + DLC(s)', not just 'DLCs'. And season passes should go to the 'Xbox One DLC' section. Or create a 'Xbox One DLC bundles' section.
And in add, what shows it really is nonsense, why Borderlands 3's season passes are indeed in the 'Xbox One DLC' section, and not other discounted season passes? TA should really change all that because it's totally a mess. We have season passes in every section.
And also, please modify the content names in the 'Bundles' section, because who knows what game it's when we see 'Deluxe Kit'? We have to click on the link to discover it. And in the 'Xbox One DLC' section, the games' names are well shown.
TA's logical mind................