Game Discussion: Cardaclysm: Shards of the Four

Help Explain Achievements Please

  • IcyThrasherIcyThrasher1,543,296
    Posted on 20 August 21 at 01:29
    -Abandon a run and return to the pub.

    Does anyone know how to do this? I can't go back through the portal, it just bounces me away. Also, when I forfeit a fight it just restarts the realm and doesn't send me to the pub.

    It's a Full Moon
    -Complete a night time map.

    I have completed multiple night time map runs, and this has not unlocked. Do I have to kill the boss on the run?
  • QonokQonok1,883,171
    Posted on 24 August 21 at 23:42
    You have to be far enough in the game to where you go to the pub during the campaign. Then once you start a run hit the cn_start button and choose to return to the pub that way. How it unlocked for me.

    The night time map unlocked for me when I started a map that said night time at the top when I started the run and made it back to the pub.
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