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Xbox sale round-up: November 16th, 2021

  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm660,436
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 01:06
    Wick N Morty said:
    For people that follow these sales religiously, what's the chance Far Cry 6 will be on sale for Black Friday, and estimated price?
    I stand corrected. The Far Cry 6 standard edition made the Black Friday sale with a third off. This is a great deal. It's very unusual for a AAA game released in Oct to go on sale a month later especially with a 33% discount. The other editions are also on sale including the anthology edition that includes FC 3, 4, 5, & 6 for a whopping 55% off.

    The DLC is not on sale. So, people interested in the DLC may want the Gold or Ultimate Editions each a third off. The Gold Edition is probably the best bang for the buck. It includes the season pass with all future content DLC. For an additional 13 USD (sale price), the Ultimate edition provides 3 extra packs that are currently only available if you get the Ultimate Edition. Each pack has vehicle, weapon, outfit, and some other goodies.
  • Wick N MortyWick N Morty663,150
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 03:49
    Allgorhythm said:
    Wick N Morty said:
    For people that follow these sales religiously, what's the chance Far Cry 6 will be on sale for Black Friday, and estimated price?
    I stand corrected. The Far Cry 6 standard edition made the Black Friday sale with a third off. This is a great deal. It's very unusual for a AAA game released in Oct to go on sale a month later especially with a 33% discount. The other editions are also on sale including the anthology edition that includes FC 3, 4, 5, & 6 for a whopping 55% off.

    The DLC is not on sale. So, people interested in the DLC may want the Gold or Ultimate Editions each a third off. The Gold Edition is probably the best bang for the buck. It includes the season pass with all future content DLC. For an additional 13 USD (sale price), the Ultimate edition provides 3 extra packs that are currently only available if you get the Ultimate Edition. Each pack has vehicle, weapon, outfit, and some other goodies.
    Saw that, I'm gonna grab the gold edition. And don't care about the bad reviews, I'm a big fan of Giancarlo Esposito so I'm sure I'll enjoy the game regardless.
  • AllgorhythmAllgorhythm660,436
    Posted on 19 November 21 at 05:44
    Wick N Morty said:
    Saw that, I'm gonna grab the gold edition. And don't care about the bad reviews, I'm a big fan of Giancarlo Esposito so I'm sure I'll enjoy the game regardless.
    I wouldn’t worry about the critics. They don’t think much of the story. But it serves its purpose which is to provide a framework to have fun in a very expansive open world. I like a good bad guy. Giancarlo Esposito Is one of the best & I don’t think the critics give him enough credit for elevating the story.

    The most important thing, in my view, is that the players should be invested in the story. Giancarlo Esposito as President Anton gets you fired up. He gives you that additional boost of energy. The critics forget the main reason we play is to have fun & Far Cry 6 delivers in spades.
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